Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Song For This Chapter: Angels by The xx

Riley's Point of View:

The ride home was that of a silent one. Not an awkward silence, more of a comfortable one.

I had posted a picture of Oscar and I on Instagram but my phone had died so I couldn't see the news feed on it.

"Hey Oscar, can I borrow your phone?"

He chuckled,"I'm not texting other girls if that's what you want to look at."

I laughed, "No it's not about that. I'm not some overly attached girlfriend. I need it to check my Instagram, my phone died."

Nodding, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to me, all without taking his eyes off the road.

He didn't have a passcode so I just swiped right and it clicked open.

Scrolling through the pages of apps he had, how he doesn't run out of memory I will never understand, I found the Instagram icon and clicked on it.

I logged off his Instagram and put my name and password in.

As soon as I typed in my password and I was signed in, the little orange bubble popped up and had the chat bubble with a little 100 next to it.

My eyes widened, I've never had that many comments before. I clicked on the picture and started scrolling through the comments section.

"She's nasty. Her face is totally and utterly disgusting and she's fat! Why would he choose her?! Ugh!" One girl commented. I brushed it off, haters gonna hate right?

"She's so fat!" Three more girls commented.

I quickly looked over my body and realized I could lose a little bit of weight.

"She's such an ugly (the girl used a nasty word starting with the letter B)! Oscar you could do so so so much better!"

"Ew! She's hideous!"

"Her face is repulsive."

"She disgusts me..."



"Ew what a (the girl used a nasty word starting with the letter S here)! She's disgusting!"

A drop of water hit my hand as I continued to scroll through the comments.

My hair providing a curtain around my face, I wiped away a few tears from my cheeks.

I quickly logged off my Instagram and handed Oscar his phone back, making sure my hair covered my face so he couldn't see me.

"Riley we are here." Oscar smiled.

Lifting my head, silently hoping my eyes weren't puffy, I gave him a small smile and thanked him for the date. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door.

Speed-walking to the door, the doorman held it open it for me. I made my way to the elevator as Oscar parked the car.

The doors of the shaft opened and I rushed into them. I quickly hit the button to the floor of the apartment and the doors closed.

As the shaft started moving, I slumped against the wall as tears leaked from my eyes. Why would those girls say such nasty things about me? I didn't offend them in any way.

As the shaft hit my floor and the doors opened, I walked down the hall to the apartment door.

Wiping any stray tears, I opened the door, closing it behind me, and rushed to my room, mumbling a 'hi' to the three boys in the living room playing a video game.

I opened the door to my room, closing it behind me. Plopping down on my bed, I reached for the wire of my charger.

I quickly plugged my phone into its charger. The white Apple appeared on the black screen a minute later as it started to turn on.

"C'mon c'mon c'mon." I shook my phone in hopes of making it go faster.

Finally, it turned on and my lock screen showed.

I quickly typed in my passcode and scrolled to the Instagram app.

As it opened, I saw a new 200 comments.

I clicked on the picture and scrolled through the comments once more.

"She looks like a dog!"
"Lol she really does!"

"The freak show called, they said they already had a lady with a mustache!"

I reached up and touched my lip. I'd never noticed I had lip hair before.

"She's so disgusting Oscar! How could you like her?!"

"Who is this hideous (the girl used the B word here)?!"

"Leave her alone! She's gorgeous!" Ash commented.

Alyssa's comment popped up next, "You (she used the plural of the B word here) have nothing better to do?! Your just jealous of her because she is a gorgeous person and she got your man! How you like them apples? You go Riley, don't let anyone dull your sparkle!"

"Tbh Riley is a guy's name..."
"Lol it's because she looks like a guy!"

"You guys are all immature little (Jasmine used the s word here) who hide behind your (she used the f word here) computer screens! Riley is the hottest person I've ever seen in my life and you all have to (she used the f word here again) lay off! Your just jealous!" Jasmine commented.

"Lol her face looks like it was run over by a truck"

"You all are such immature little babies! Riley is the most beautiful person I've ever seen! So stop hating on her because she got the guy you couldn't have!" Adelaide commented.

"(A girl used the s word)"

"(A girl used the B word)"


"She'd be better off dead!"
"Lol she really would!"
"That's so true! Then, she can't steal our man from us!"

"Literally go die in a hole. No one likes you!"

I shut my phone as I sobbed violently.

Grabbing a pillow and stuffing my face into it, I screamed, the screams being muffled by the fabric.

I pulled my face from the pillow and continued to cry until I fell into a deep slumber.


Picture of Riley on the side.

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