32. stink, part 4: what the hell stinks so bad

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A/N: I'm sorry if y'all get annoyed with these, but i think farts are funny lol

Wednesday's POV

It was an unusually droll day today. I was told not to cause mischief and mayhem, which meant that I was barred from releasing scorpions across the school floor, so I simply walked back to the dorm I shared with Enid. After Enid and I consummated our eternal bond in marriage, we still needed to wrap up our school year, much to my dismay. With the students returning in droves, my sexual appetite for Enid was not satiated in the slightest, and I was becoming annoyed. Father and Mother wished for us to continue our academic adventure before returning home. When I walked back to our dorm, however, I was hit with this unbearable wave of pure stink and it nearly caused me to black out.

"Enid... what the hell stinks so bad in here...?"

Enid emerged from her side of the room, an odor emanating from her person as I covered my nose and face in response.

"I'm sick... and whenever I'm sick, I can't control my farts, so I've been letting them out all day under my covers... I've nearly given myself a Dutch Oven twice..."

I waved the air around... I was definitely not used to how bad her farts could smell... In a contest, I could possibly out-stink her on a day of nothing but beans and mushrooms, but for some reason I have yet to understand, werewolf farts smell worse than Death itself, and in Enid's case, I was trying desperately not to pass out...

"E-Enid... I... I am about to pass out... You stink so bad right now..."

Enid blushed as even more gas was released from her backside... 

"I'm sorry, I can't help itttt... but you know, this could be considered payback for all the times you let off silent stinkers and don't tell me, so you'll just have to deal with it."

She... had a point... A stinky one, perhaps.

"I have... gotten better with warning you beforehand, have I not?"

Enid nodded.

"While we're on the subject of farts, how bad do your farts stink when you get sick, Wends?"

Normally, I would not be okay with answering such embarrassing questions, but Enid and I were very close now. As her wife, I felt comfortable baring all, both physically and emotionally. 

"Let us see... the previous time I was under the weather, I nearly caused my parents and Pugsley to evacuate the mansion. Pugsley told me once that when I am sick, my farts have the potential to raise the dead. To this day, I still do not know if he was exaggerating."

Enid giggled very carefully so as not to release her farts in my face.

"Have you ever smelled them? I don't think he was exaggerating.."

I nodded.

"Yes, I suppose he was being honest... they really can stink sometimes, can they?"

Enid nodded.

"Preaching to the chair, babe. I've been suffering all day... This is why I hate getting sick, because I can stink up the place so fucking bad.."

I nodded in agreement.

"I may be able to... resolve your situation. I could fart in return?"

Enid giggled.

"I... don't think that's a good idea. I don't wanna die by fart fumes. But you could be a dear and get some medicine and something to quell this so I don't stink us out to high heaven?"

I paused for a moment. Then smiled in relief. Then waited for Enid's reaction as I walked out to fetch her remedies.

"Really, Wednesday?! You just couldn't hold that stinker in for a little bit longer?!"

E N i D. 

A/N: Yeah, yeah I know lol farts are funny, okay xD next chapter may get a little smutty and steamy hehe Wednesday is a lil horny for Enid right now ;) 

bloody mary || a wenclair collection, season 2 [explicit]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz