46. smells like strawberries, tastes like vanilla [part 2]

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A/N: I'm back-ish. More notes below.

Enid was nervous. No, scratch that. Enid was two seconds away from having a complete and total meltdown. Why was she so nervous?

Because yesterday, Wednesday Addams had called her to ask her out properly and she was on her way to her house. Wednesday had also recently asked to help Enid with her ever popular confectionary store, which meant that Enid and Wednesday would see each other everyday at work and struggle to get any actual work done. Tonight was their first official date. Wednesday came from a very wealthy family, but she was a girl that did things for herself without asking her parents for money, so she was ecstatic when Enid asked her to help with the stocks and shelving candies at her shop. In fact, she might have fallen harder for her, seeing Wednesday in her work clothes, looking absolutely adorable, she might add. 

Wednesday, on the other hand, was bouncing off the walls in excitement at the thought of being able to take Enid out for a night on the town.

"What's got you so excited, my sweetling?"

Her mother, Morticia walked into her room as Wednesday looked over herself in the mirror and smirked at what she saw.

"Tonight's my first date with Enid Sinclair, Mom! Remember, I told you?"

Morticia smiled warmly as she kissed her daughter on the forehead.

"Of course I remember, lovey. Are you sure you don't want a few dollars to tie you both over?"

Wednesday frowned. She knew her mother meant well, but she's been working at the candy shop for almost a week now and managed to save up enough funds for this very night.

"Mooommmm, you know I don't like when you do that... I offered to work at the shop so I could earn money on my own..."

Morticia ran her fingers through Wednesday's hair.

"I know, sweetheart. I just... I worry about you sometimes. You're growing up and I'm worried that you'll be too big for me one day.."

Wednesday turned to look at her mother, tears in her eyes. She frowned as she hugged her.

"Never, Momma. I just... I like doing things for myself without having to run to you guys for money, you guys don't deserve that from me, I want you guys to have my love and affection, not bothering you for money all the time. I'm always going to be your little girl, and Pugsley will always be your little boy."

Morticia smiled again, wiping away her tears as she embraced her daughter.

"I'm glad you and Pugsley are getting along."

Wednesday made a face, but still offered a smile.

"Nah, Pugsley still stinks, but I guess he's an okay brother."

Morticia chuckled warmly as she left her daughter to finish preparing for her date, her heart swelling at the memory of the first time Gomez asked her out on their date. God, she was proud of her little, well, not so little girl anymore.


Enid's mother hugged her daughter tightly, happy that her daughter was going to have a day off for once.

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