45. if everyday could be a sweet candy day, i'd be happy [part 1]

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A/N: Taking a different approach to this one lol update and more notes below. This is an AU as well.

Another boring day, Wednesday thought to herself. School was out for the day, and she didn't feel like being cooped up in the dorm room all day, even if she really wanted to. Instead, she decided to go on a walk around the town. She never really noticed how beautiful and serene the town of Jericho looked in the orange sunlight. She smiled to herself as she continued to stroll through the town before suddenly being hit with the most deliciously sweet smell. Why hadn't she noticed this confectionary shop before? She decided to walk in and the smell was stronger. Wednesday never was one with a sweet tooth, however she made an exception just this once.

"Hi! Welcome to Enid's Wolfie Wonders! I'm Enid, of course and this is my candy store!"

Wednesday was greeted by a perky blonde-haired girl who she could only assume was Enid, the proprietor of the candy store. A warm blush washed over her face. She returned the smile to Enid as she gave her the tour.

"Do you see anything you like?? We're having a sale today! Everything is 20.. uh, 10% off!"

Wednesday tilted her head.

"Why not 20%?"

Enid simply shrugged.

"Uhh, that sale was yesterday. Sorry, I'm like, really scatterbrained today. Tyler didn't put in the order for more of the Raven Cookies and Siren Seaweed so I'm rushing trying to get these orders out before my grand opening tomorrow..."

Wednesday observed the delicious sweets and her mouth watered with every glance. Her sweet tooth was aching to try every last one of them, preferably with Enid as well. 

Wait, you just met her, stop it, Addams... She cleared her throat.

"Um... what's your best selling candy?"

Enid perked up again and Wednesday blushed harder and hoped Enid did not notice.

"That would be the Strawberry Lassos! I LOVE them and sometimes I sneak some out after closing time and just eat them on break."

"M-maybe we could try them together..."

Oh no, did she say that out loud? Enid thankfully tilted her head.

"Hmm? What was that?"

"I said, I would love to buy a pack of the Lassos!"

Smooth, Addams. Real smooth. Enid grinned.

"Great! That'll be $10.95! Did you want anything else?"

Wednesday looked around, trying not to keep her gaze on Enid before shaking her head. She would definitely be coming back.

"Have a wolf-tastic day, miss!" 

Damn. She never gave her her name. 


Enid tilted her head again.

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