47. i'd promise you anything for another shot at life

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A/N: We're back. Let's finish Season 2 with a bang!

Enid's POV

God, I was so nervous... for the past few days, I've been really weak and sick and I've been staying in Yoko's dorm room. I knew why I was feeling this way the first day I woke up and immediately ran to the bathroom to vomit up my lunch. I took the test and it was positive: I was pregnant. And I was fucking scared shitless... I was scared about how Wednesday would respond to this news, and I knew that eventually two things would happen: she would interrogate everyone in Nevermore about where I was and why was I acting weird or it would be hard to hide after a while.

"Sooooo, you're worried that Wednesday is gonna... what, exactly?"

Yoko lounged on her bed, eating out of a bag of specially-made chips to contain her blood thirst, and I'm not gonna lie, they looked really fucking tasty. Damn pregnancy cravings...

"I'm scared she's not going to handle the news well... she might say something... mean.."

Yoko nodded.

"Yeah, that's fair. But look, Wednesday's changed a lot since she first arrived at Nevermore. She was an absolute bitch. No offense."

None taken.

"But you got her to open up and express her feelings. There's no way in hell that Wednesday is going to say something mean and cruel to you or your child. You and I both know how much she loves you. I mean, just the other day, she nearly scalped Ajax just for making a harmless joke about you. Bianca and I had to hide Ajax for hours until she calmed down."

I giggled. That was my Willa.

"She did apologize to me for doing that later... even if Ajax kinda had it coming."

Yoko rolled her eyes.

"The point is, Wednesday loves you, and as much as she doesn't want to express it in public, I can guarantee you that she'll be happy to hear you're pregnant."

I knew Yoko was right, but I was so nervous... I needed time to think about what I was going to say... how I wanted to approach the situation. I got up to stand and clutched my stomach in response.

"Ouch... they are kicking hard..."

Yoko placed a hand on my stomach as the child very faintly kicked against my belly.

"I'm, uh... not showing just yet but they are very excited as you can feel..."

Yoko turned serious.

"How long have you known you were pregnant."

Tears formed in my eyes as I tried to sit back down.

"About a week now..."

Yoko's eyes widened.

"A week?! How the fuck did you manage to hide this from Wednesday??"

With a lot of difficulty... I had to wait until she went down to the local markets and then I ran to the bathroom, threw up, waited for her to come back while I was in school before running down to get a pregnancy test and cry as it read positive and then hide out in Yoko's room when Wednesday was with her family. It was hell for me and the baby being jostled around because I was acting like a coward towards my own wife... but Wednesday told me that she wasn't sure if she would be a good mother because of her personality... even after she became more open with her feelings, that fear never went away. I felt really bad, even though she told me not to. I know she would be a fantastic mom, I'm just... I guess I'm just worried that I won't be a good mother. I don't exactly have the best role model and it infuriates me to know what she'll say when I tell my family I'm pregnant. I also know what Wednesday's response would be... 'If any of you stains of humanity dare to speak ill of my wife and child, I will ensure your time on this Earth no longer happens. I am beyond serious. I will remove your life force if you try me.' Heh, I love her...

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