48. the complexities of life and the unknown

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A/N: I'm determined to wrap up Season 2 no matter what. This one is going to be told from a third person view!

"Whoa, whoa. Back up. You're pregnant? Did you and Wednesday use insemination? And how did you manage to hide the pregnancy from her?"

Enid raised her hands in a defensive stance.

"Wednesday and I have been talking about it before I even got pregnant... you guys know how Wends is always curious about life.... and one time when we... did it, she told me to try insemination to see if I could get pregnant or not, and at first I doubted it would even work and nearly gave up hope until I woke up one morning and threw my lunch up. Even then, I didn't know what it was until I grabbed a pregnancy test and it said it was positive. But like the coward I am, I haven't told the news to her yet because, even though I know she wouldn't say anything bad, that fear is in me..."

Yoko shifted towards Enid.

"Enid... are you scared that you're going to end up like your mother?"

Enid nodded tearfully. It wasn't something she liked to think about, but who wouldn't be afraid of ending up just like their abuser? The first time she found out she was pregnant, it scared her in many ways. Enid tried her hardest to never end up like her mother, even when she wolfed out for the very first time, her worry that her attitude could shift at any moment never wavered. But Bianca wasn't having any of it.

"Fuck all of that shit, Sinclair. I had a similar worry and fear when my mother showed up at the school before the whole Crackstone bullshit. And let me tell you, confronting her was the best thing I could have ever done. Not because I was scared, but because I wanted to let her know, I wasn't her, and I would never be like her in a million fucking years. You are not Esther. You are Enid Sinclair Addams, and you're a badass. You're scared of being like your mom? Then be you. In the time Yoko and I have known you, you've been no one else but yourself. I mean, hell, you managed to soften the Ice Queen herself so much, Wednesday and I have frequent conversations after school about our interests and the best shops to visit. She's become like a sister to me, and she's told me that verbally. Would your mother do anything even remotely human like that? Hell no. So, and I say this with love: stop being a coward, put on your big girl panties and just tell Wednesday you're pregnant so we can all celebrate. And if your mother has something to say, I'll personally kick her ass back to her dungeon. And I mean that shit."

Enid wiped away her tears as she gave Yoko and Bianca a warm hug. In a way, Bianca was right. When Enid first arrived at Nevermore, she made a solemn vow to herself that she would be her own person, and she wouldn't allow anyone or anything to taint that reputation, that promise. Even when Wednesday challenged her at every turn, she never relented. She never backed down, and she knew that Wednesday was secretly aroused by her take-no-shit behavior, but she was still her own person. She wondered when that changed. Maybe after the Crackstone fight? When she wolfed out? At any rate, she needed that Enid back. She needed to become her own person again, the one that was brave and fearless. If not for her, then for her future child. She knew that Wednesday wouldn't dare say a mean word about the situation, and that was all she needed. 

"Bia, do you want to feel the child kick?"

Bianca didn't even wait for Enid to finish before her hand was on her stomach, feeling the soft kicks against her belly. She was starting to show slightly, and she knew that if she didn't tell Wednesday soon, it would be too difficult to hide.

"I guess I need to let Wends know, huh? My belly's getting big, and I can't use the excuse of it being gas anymore, heh.."

Both Yoko and Bianca chuckled.

"Is that what you've been telling Wednesday?"

Enid shook her head. 

"Noooo, but I do think it's time for me to tell her... do you guys want to come with me?"

Bianca shook her head.

"Enid, this is something you need to tell your wife, with just the two of you. Stop being so scared. You got this."

Enid simply got up and nodded. There was no more use beating around the bush. It was time to tell her. 

"Yeah, yeah.. you're right. I need to put my big girl panties on and just tell her. No more procrastinating..."

Yoko pumped her fist up.

"You got this, girl!"

Enid pumped herself up as she rubbed her stomach, smiling at the life she was carrying.

Life was a very strange thing. It was unknown, which is always a frightening concept to discuss. But it could also be a wonderful blessing. Enid always wanted to experience being a mother. Wednesday would never admit it, but during one of their more intimate nights, she confessed to Enid that being a mother would the greatest thing that could ever happen to her in the 20 years of her macabre life, and she even choked up during their conversation. So why was Enid so afraid?

Honestly? She didn't really have all of the answers to her questions, and maybe that was okay. Maybe they didn't need to know everything. Maybe this was a good sign to experience a new phase in both hers and Wednesday's lives. Their school year was just about concluded and Enid hoped that Wednesday would ask her to come live with her in San Francisco, some place far away from her mother's control, where they can raise their child together. Enid had plans for her streaming and gaming, and she absolutely would jump at the opportunity to teach her child to game, while Wednesday taught them about her adventures at Nevermore, how she found love in Enid and managed the make what she considered the worst parts of her life heaven on Earth.

And for Enid, the best part of her life was the day Wednesday walked through the doors of Nevermore and walked into her life. 

Through all of it, Wednesday was there for Enid through the good times and the bad, even when they had their falling-out, Enid couldn't bring herself to stay away from the girl she fell for. When Tyler showed his true colors, her love for Wednesday was so powerful, it allowed her to wolf out and defend herself, and the hug that they shared solidified that no matter what, as Enid herself put it, that even though they shouldn't work together, they do, and that was okay. 

"I can't wait for you to see the world, little one..."

And that certainly give Enid the confidence she needed for a very, very long time, and as she walked back to their shared dorm room, she was more than ready to let Wednesday know that the next phase of their marital adventure was about to begin.

And who knows? 

Maybe Enid's mother would finally see the errors of her ways and welcome becoming a grandmother.


Maybe one step at a time...

But Enid could certainly dream, right?

E N i D. 

 A/N: thank you guys for being so patient as I work through all of my self-inflicted issues that quite frankly, shouldn't have been as intense as I made them out to be. I can say with confidence that I am back. With two chapters left, I am very excited to show you all the second season finale soon. Season 3 will be a game-changer in the best way and it'll be well worth the wait. Also, my birthday is coming up soon, so this is like a little birthday gift to myself to finish this up. Hope you guys enjoy!

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