43. stink VI: what do they smell like to you

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A/N: You already know haha more notes below

Wednesday's POV

I decided to work on my novel since Enid was sleeping in. I was proud of myself for being able to finish three chapters over the course of a week and allowed myself to take a hiatus on it for a while. I noticed that Enid's phone was lighting up with messages, and I picked it up, answering it. It was Yoko, of course. 

tanaka_yolo: enid r u there? can u answer pls.

me: This is Wednesday. Enid is asleep. Did you require her services for something?

tanaka_yolo: oh hi hi wends! how r u hun?

I tried to hold back a smile, but failed seeing Yoko call me "hun". Normally, I would reject the term of endearment with absolute disgust, but Yoko was a friend now, and I appreciated everything that she did for Enid when I could not be there. I trusted Yoko with my life, and that was not something I granted easily. But Enid, Yoko and even Bianca were three people I did not mind letting into my life. I shook myself out of my thoughts and replied to Yoko.

me: I am... well. I finished three chapters of my novel today so I was about to relax.

tanaka_yolo: aww congrats, wends! supes proud of u! actually, b4 u do that, do u mind coming to my room, i was gonna ask enid this, but because it's about u, maybe u can help me. it's nothing bad, i swear!

me: You have piqued my curiosity. I shall be there momentarily. 

I put Enid's phone down before kissing her forehead.

"Mmm... five more minutesss..."

I smiled at her before heading over to Yoko's dorm room. 


I knocked on her door, and she told me to come in. I have been in Yoko's room before, I will admit - I was very impressed with her vampiric decor. The skulls adorning the top of her door was the best touch.

"Hiiiii, Wends! Is it okay if I give you a hug?"

I nodded as Yoko hugged me. I... really liked Yoko's hugs. I have told this to Enid before, but I... may have had an attraction to Yoko the first time I met her. She had the same likes as I did, and I fell for her hard. Ironically, Enid was the one who "shipped" us before she revealed her true feelings to me. Now, we are with our respective partners, but there is always that small moment where I find myself resisting to taste Yoko's lips... 

"Hello, Yoko. It is good to see you."

Yoko sat on her bed, staring at me and I held back a blush. I hated people staring at me, but when it came to Yoko, Bianca and especially Enid, I... did not mind it.

"So, I wanted to talk to you about... something. And I didn't know exactly how to address it. But then I realized that well... I can't really hurt your feelings. But then I realized..."

I chuckled. She truly was like Enid sometimes.

"Yoko. Relax. What is it that you wished to tell me, or ask me?"

bloody mary || a wenclair collection, season 2 [explicit]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon