44. mia tesoro [explicit]

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A/N: Ladies and gentlemen: S M U T hehe

Enid's POV

It was that time again, but this time it hit me even harder. Ever since I wolfed out, everything I felt insecure about faded away. People stared at me more, and it wasn't me they were staring at. I've mentioned this before, but for some reason my ass and breasts got bigger, and my hormones were always on high alert. I could smell when Wednesday was around because she had a distinct scent to her. Ever since we got married, I've been trying to be less clingy, and for the most part it worked, but then the heat hit me like a ton of bricks, and I could barely get out of bed. I both hated and appreciated this feeling, because I got to see a more dominant side of Wednesday, but I hated it because it felt like it was going to go on forever. And Wednesday had forbidden me from "relieving myself", that only she could please me and settle my urges. I was losing my mind, and I really needed Wednesday...


Somehow I managed to fall asleep for a few hours, and it felt nice until Wednesday's smell wafted throughout the room and I immediately got horny again. 

"Apologies, Enid. I spent the day with Mother and I let the time get away from me. I received your text, I hope I am not late for our sexual deviancy tonight. I have been craving you all day as well. I almost disobeyed your orders twice in public."

I growled in both arousal and annoyance. I hated when Wednesday disobeyed me, and I wanted to be a brat.

"Wednesday, I touched myself twice without you~"

Which was a lie, of course, but like I said, I was being a brat.

"Even after I told you not to? You know you must be punished, correct?"

I nodded, moving my hands to my crotch.

"Mmm, do you want this, baby~"

Wednesday shuffled her thighs together. I saw that she was earing her classic black stockings with a short skirt and her jacket. 

"Enid... you are disobeying me again..."

I didn't care. I touched myself again before Wednesday grabbed my hand as I pulled her into a kiss. And it was a heated kiss to get things started as I pulled her into the bed.

"Take it off..."

Wednesday removed her clothes as I kissed her neck, getting a low moan from her.

"Dom me, Wednesday... I can take it..."

Wednesday nodded as she choked me lightly.

"You have been a naughty girl, Enid."

My eyes rolled back as I stuck my tongue out in a panting motion.

"I've been a bad girl, Mistress..."

Wednesday grabbed a collar and locked it around my neck. I loved this already~

"On your knees. Now."

I obeyed and got on my knees as Wednesday travelled down my body and squeezed my breasts hard, causing me to moan loudly.

bloody mary || a wenclair collection, season 2 [explicit]Where stories live. Discover now