50. mia lupa, together. forever. always. [season finale]

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A/N: Thank you. For everything. Special note and updates at the end.

"Do you remember that one night when... we were fooling around and made love practically for hours to permanently signify our mating had completed?"

Wednesday nodded, a pink tint of a blush formed across her face as the memory was practically burned into her brain. 

"Well... do you remember what you told me the next day?"

Wednesday pondered the thought for a moment. And then the realization slowly hit her as her eyes widened with shock. Then with confirmation. And finally, joy.

"M-mia tesoro, are... are you...?"

Enid nodded tearfully before beginning.

"W-when you told me to take our insemination project to an IVF clinic, at first, I didn't think that it would happen, because there were literally no changes for like a week... until that day you went down to the markets, and I rushed to the bathroom to throw up... I wanted to be 100% sure, so I stealthily ran down to the local pharmacy and bought a pregnancy test, and it read positive... and I was so fucking happy... but also petrified..."

Wednesday held Enid's soft, delicate hands in her own, allowing herself to cry openly in front of her lover with this revelation.

"Why were you petrified, Enie?"

Enid took a shaky breath before continuing.

"I was stupidly worried you would take the news poorly... and then I was scared that... well... you know I don't have the greatest role model in my mother. My dad tries, but even he gets frustrated with Mom, and I was worried that, when this baby comes... what if I become just like my mom...?"

Wednesday then looked at Enid.

"Enid Sinclair Addams. Listen to me well. I have told you countless times that you are nothing, and I mean NOTHING like your beast of a mother. You have shown time and time again that everything you have done and continue to do is in defiance of her. You managed to handle a Hyde all on your own and become a wolf simply because I was in danger. Not because Esther Sinclair forced you to wolf out. But because of your love and care for me, someone that... still doubts herself at times. You, mia tesoro are your own person. And I swear to you, our child will see you as Enid. Not Esther. For years, I feared becoming just like my own mother for various reasons, and I shunned it at every turn. Especially when she sent me here, but after our hug, I... I realized that it is not such a bad thing anymore... You are someone that has been a... welcome change in m morbid and sour life. I have never laughed so hard at your jokes, cried when you have been hurt, which quickly turns into anger and rage towards whoever would dare hurt you... to unflinching and unwavering love and devotion to somebody that I cannot ever imagine life without. Hearing that you are carrying a child fills me with so much joy and happiness, I think I may well and truly burst... I never expected to be a mother, and to be quite honest, I have been... scared to think of it due to how I am, but ever since you made me open up and step out of my shell, so to speak, I want nothing more than to be the best mother and partner to you, Enid. Whenever our child comes, I will do everything to protect you both."

And then, Enid well and truly sobbed. But not from fear or worry, but from joy and relief. Her eyes glanced over to a pamphlet Wednesday tried - and failed - to hide from her view, and Enid somehow bounded from one end of the room to the other.

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