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Third Person POV:

Rainy days can remind you of the somber days of your life

Some people see the light of their lives, while others only see darkness

Some people always see the good things, some see the bad things, and others see both

Life isn't fair for anyone, because mankind made life this way

We messed up the perfect world that was created for us

We all have to accept the fact that life might as well be this way forever

And the truth must be accepted as well, even if it hurts

No matter how bad things are and how life is, we must live life to the fullest, for we only have one life

And sometimes we make mistakes, and some of them can't be fixed

Different things in life affect us, only if we let it affect us

We have broken hearts, which both can cannot be mended, depends on the person

But not everything turns out the way you want it to, not matter how much you try

And people change over time. Nothing nor nobody stays the same forever.

And it's like they say

Not all that glitters, turns to gold

The night felt like it was going to last forever. The rain was pouring down harshly and Jennie felt every drop on her head and let it pour down her cheeks.

She walked down the sidewalk along the street, not taking her eyes off the ground. She felt like she was going to die any minute now.

Out of every step she took, her world would break piece by piece, until it would shatter completely.

She bit back the tears that threatened to come out of her eyes. And no matter how much she tried, how much she long for it, the light of her life would always burn out in a matter of seconds.

Life isn't easy for Jennie. She never tells anyone her troubles, because she always feels like it's a waste of time for her, and for someone else.

In her eyes, her life is meaningless. For her, there is no reason left to live. And there's nothing that can mend the shattered heart of Jennie Kim, in her mind of course.

The sky became darker, and the rain poured down even more. Jennie let out a small grunt and came to a stop.

She finally lifted her head up and looked around. The world was silent. All she could hear was the pouring rain.

There was only one person that could make Jennie smile. Make her feel loved, for she has no love in her life. Make her feel special. Loved. Important. Needed. Happy. Hopeful. Wanted.

But Jennie knew, that she'd be wasting her time too.

As Jennie looked across the street, there she was, the person who could make Jennie smile. Who could make her feel special. Loved. Important. Needed. Happy. Hopeful. Wanted.

And their eyes met just as Jennie's world stopped completely.

Jisoo had been looking for Jennie all day. She hadn't heard from the poor girl in weeks. Now Jennie was only feet away.

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