💥Will Caster #3

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        A morning sun was shining on my face, my fingers calmly held a brush with the tip soaked in green paint, lightly brushing the canvas in front of me, listening to a latch click, letting my face turn in the direction of the sound. The brown and shiny eyes were directed to mine, while also looking at the screen, it was my love, who, by chance, placed his digital devices under the armchair and smiled widely, opening his arms as if asking me to run, which I immediately did.
      His heart beat like a drum under my ears that pressed against his chest, covered by his white shirt. It was strange that he hadn't said anything yet, but I loved this comfortable silence he exhaled for me, the one that doesn't even need words to express what we felt. His arms pressed me against him even more, while I smelled his slightly expensive perfume that I had given him as a gift... My eyes closed, my smile widened and soon he separated slightly from me, while he raised my face with a touch light on the chin, whereupon I opened my eyes and stared at him.
      His face seemed to disintegrate for me as I tried to hold him, my eyes filling with tears. I remembered that he wasn't there, it was just a deep silence, reminding me that he would never be there again... Not even painting with me. His beautiful smile melted and my heart ached, to the point that the tears gave me a headache and made me dizzy, his eyes lost their former sparkle and became opaque...

      I felt my body fall backwards as I saw him show his hand to me and disappear completely. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, my eyes covered the vision of so many drops, which made me close them and wake up jumping out of bed, ending up on the floor and leaning over right there, feeling the ice of the place cover me, as I returned already crying in my reality... In which the bed was empty. I didn't cry, I screamed with tremendous pain, why was he so stubborn to the point of continuing with that and totally forgetting his own life?

      Will by then, was so frustrated with all of this that he forgot the most important thing... Himself. By the way, I couldn't help him as much as I wanted to, I also had my work, but he always said it wasn't necessary and insisted on saying that it was just a matter of rest. Rest... now I'm the one who can't rest, as if I had killed him, even though I knew it wasn't, it was those "rebels", but he killed himself even more when he decided that. It wasn't even time for me to think about it, it was bedtime. I got up from that icy floor and went to the bathroom, turned on the faucet and felt another ice on my face from the water, it even felt like a piece of iceberg on me. I dried him off and walked over to the bed again, looking at the ceiling, seeing the drawings we both made when we bought the house, he was really excited... And so was I.
      Max and Joseph were in on it too, and they were the ones who relayed to me how Will was, always so far away, even they felt it, even if they were close to him. Witnessing a friend's decay is not at all easy, imagine for the wife?

     Sighing still unable to sleep, I got up for the second time and left the room, feeling the floor with my bare feet, without socks, while I looked around and came across pictures of him. The TV in front of me started to blink so slowly, I thought I was in a dream, the set started to shake and my eyes widened when I saw the vision of my husband there... In hologram I know, but he was there... His conscience was right, even if his eyes were still closed.
     I felt even more tears well up in my eyes until I quickly ran to the phone, mentally dialing Max's number asking him to still be awake, while laughing out loud and running a hand over my face, which was getting hotter by the minute. The phone was answered and I sighed happily:

      — Hello?  

      — Max! Sorry to call you at this time, but Will woke up... - I heard a certain noise, probably he was getting up from the bed, and then I heard footsteps.

     — He woke up?! But... he didn't even give a sign before that, it seemed that everything was lost after he left, but we can see that it wasn't. I'm on my way...

     — Calm down, let me see if he really wakes up.

        I heard him agree, as I hung the phone upside down my feet were too scared to move away from the kitchen wall and into the living room while the TV still had his picture on it and then he opened his eyes and shook his head sideways, as I smiled widely and he stopped his gaze at me, his smile widened.

     — Love...- he whispered to me as I smiled and walked over to the TV, touching my hand where his cheek is, feeling bad for not feeling his skin beyond the film of the medium-sized set. He looked like he wanted to cry at any moment, which was good because the machine was managing to transmit human emotions. 

     — You are here, love! You came back... - I smiled even more happily, while her hand was placed in front of mine. It looked like he was trapped in a mirror and couldn't get out... Which was half true, even so I expected him to get out of there and grab me tightly, in a breathtaking hug, making me think even more about how much and why I missed you so much.

       His eyes were shining at me, at the time I heard a soft click and then a beep, making intense red lights in that place, previously illuminated in blue holograms. They seemed to tell me something, until I looked below my foot: In the state of euphoria, I barely noticed that I had turned off something, in fact, the hologram that showed Will, was dissolving little by little, "unloading". Once again I found my way up to his eyes, but he asked me several times what was going on, clarifying that he was increasingly afraid to look at his own disintegrated hands as I ran around the lab, looking for where the wires and wires were coming from colors, if they are connected to an outlet or source.
      Holding a green thread that was loose, I was already falling into tears, as if I was losing again, but without feeling his hand, I turned to the screen, hearing one last question from him, half in despair, but in a whisper: 

     — Am I leaving again?


       The morning will come, the boys came to check if it was something serious, because my astonishment was visible, even if it had happened at dawn, even if I hoped it was real, not just a dream that was sad and happy at the same time.

      — Do you think he'll come back again?

       — Apparently, yes. It was just a connection that uninstalled, don't worry, you're lucky to know this works.- Max says, stepping out from under the transparent plates, making me look at Joseph who is looking around, running his black fingers under the beard that it looks like wool.

     — Are you absolutely sure you still don't want to see a therapist? So close to seeing one, Mrs. Carter, and Max and I recommended him for a while. Don't take it the way that we're thinking you're crazy, just so you can handle it better, at best.- he says, my eyes stare at him and my head settles in sincere agreement, mentally giving in to the proposal, but already plotting an escape plan for the matter at hand.

       — I'll see what I do, but I believe that if everything goes as Will wanted, will he come back? Just imagine: Three artificial intelligence technicians finally got what the late former Will Caster wanted, back in his life!! at least a hopeful truth.

      — We can try, what do you think?

      — Attempting this could be risky to say the least.- Joseph says, playing with the mouse on the glass table.

      — But not only Will but we are part of this project. We can try not only for him, but for everything we've achieved here, because we deserve this award. I believe that if we were grateful to have a previous destiny, we should continue... For all of us.- they both looked at me, then nodded gently, causing me to smile and nod.


    So, it's good... Get to work, boys!!

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