565 24 7

June 7, 2045

Then a year later, ranyi was now 1 years old
as years past by, she gain more strength than her usual physical strength when she's still a baby, she can now stand slightly but more often always crawl, her huge room had the perfect spacious for her cause she kept crawling, crawling, crawling.

It was just ranyi's birthday 8 days ago, and she had a grand celebration for it were it stressed y/n so much cause of the price, you complain on ran that ranyi can just had a small birthday celebration but ran still insist for it.

And right now, ranyi was asleep, lost in her maybe sweet dreams. While y/n was down at the mansion, on the kitchen, doing a bento box for visiting ran with ranyi on rairando.

The kitchen maids and the head maid was forced to stay still and don't bother and just help you with your needs while you're minding your business preparing cause you said so, they insist at first but you said you just wanna try to gave yourself a little thing to do, you're getting bored at doing nothing. Being pampered by your husband wasn't even on your plans, you accually just want a simple everyday life, working hard for the family, the vibes of having a baby, taking care of every chores while a husband was on work to supply the family's needs on money, but this life of yours was unexpected.....your husband was rich as hell.

As the final design on the bento was done, just putted some animal nose shaped nori at the molded bunny rice with a small oval shaped nori eye, and bunny ears ham shaped nori above the rice, making a bunny, and some exces at the corners, making it look appriciatable.

"Isn't it good?" You asked the maid beside you with a very bright smile.

"Yes lady y/n, its very cute" its responce.

"Please tell the driver to prepare a car, i'll just get ranyi, we'll go to ran." You humbly said as the maid immediately felt shy towards your attitude cause you're so humble and kind all this time, not the other girls used to be in this kitchen and inside this mansion for either ran or rindou, who treats every maids here with a look of disgust and high pride ones.

"Ahhh, lady y/n is so kind talker"
"Right away lady y/n!"

"Thank you" you thanked her as you head outside of the kitchen, heading over the stairs as you get inside ranyi's room, merting with the maid who you assigned to watch ranyi cause nana jane isn't still home, he's still on her hometown for her Niece's wedding, maybe will comeback tomorrow at early morning.

"Hello, thanks for watching over ranyi who's awake now haha.." you said.

"My pleasure lady y/n.."

"Ah, its still awkward to be called lady y/n.....its really uncomfy." You thaught but since you're already 1 year and a half in this household, you managed to get used to it.

You saw ranyi crawling to the soft carpeted floor as many toys were scattered with the young maid sitting on it, playing with rnayi who's having an issue with it.

Ranyi was murmuring things, ranyi can already talk a couple of words she can say, but its still muffled and hard to understand but atleast she tries talking at such a young age.

"!!" She said and giggles, tossing the doll ran baught for her at the maids lap as she crawls to your foot, raising her small cute hands, signaling you to come carry her. As you did, you carry her and swing her onto the air which maked the little lady giggles more, being happy with her mother's arms, not like awhile ago who chooses peoples and be peeky at what she communicate besides her parents, her uncles, and her aunts, which is your friends and ran's friends, especially ran's brother; rindou.

But theres just complicated things about baji and ranyi, whenever they see eachotherz they'll glare at each like baji was still a small kid that even a baby won't be missed at his mental issues.

HIS DAUGHTER ☞ H.RAN [ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now