Magic and Home

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So the reason this is two weeks late is because my computer decided to crash while I was writing the chapter on a Word document (my master copy of the story) and it deleted the whole chapter I was working has taking me this long to re-write the darn thing but I got it. I even added like 3 more standard pages to make it up to you guys.

Silver and Harry continued to spend the day together. At the moment, they were walking on a dirt path through a nearby forest. The sun's rays filtered past the green leaves and cast a gentle glow around them. The wind whispered through the trees as it rustled the leaves. Nearby birds sung their mornings songs while they flitted from oak to birch to maple, creating a gentle ambience of the forest.

The soft, brown dirt quietly shifted under their feet with each step they took. Dappled sunlight across the forest floor guided the two children's way and created an ethereal and majestic view. Harry found it quite relaxing.

As they walked, Silver would occasionally stop and pick the wildflowers that grew within the forest. She'd press them to her face, breathe in the different scents, and then smile a content smile full of teeth. There was the tiny purple flower―prunella vulgaris―she called it, that is edible and lowers blood sugar levels naturally.

"You have to make it into a tea first though. After you pick the flowers you need to rinse them off with cold water. Then, in order to make it into a tea, you have to do what's called a 'cold infusion' where you let the flowers steep in water for two days straight. No boiling needed. Then you drink and what the natural medicine do its job." She spoke while picking more of these flowers and placing them into her bag.

"The whole flower goes into the water?" Harry couldn't help but ask. He almost recoiled from the action until Silver casted a gaze of softness at Harry that eased his nerves immediately.

She nodded her head. "The whole flower." Silver answered. She picked up two each of a rhododendron, wild coneflower, and geranium. Silver then tied the small bouquet of flowers together with a piece of twine she pulled off of a nearby tree.

"Why those specific flowers?" Harry asked with more confidence, his curious mind showing past the constant cloud of the Dursley's now irrelevant rules.

"Good question, Harry." Said boy perked up a little at the happy tone Silver used. "This one here is called a rhododendron. It symbolizes strength while this one," she points to a weird looking daisy, "a coneflower, means health. This last one is a geranium and it means sincerity."

Harry gained a thoughtful look upon his face. "So when you put them all together they mean that you sincerely wish someone strength and health?"

Silver couldn't help but chuckle merrily at Harry's conclusion. Her eyes closed and their corners crinkled in her merriment. The sound of her laugh and the sight of her smile seemed to have some kind of effect on the forest. Harry watched and listened as the sun shone brighter and the birds sung with Silver's laugh. The air began to buzz with an energy that made him stop walking immediately.

Silver had only made it a few steps further before she realized Harry wasn't following her. She turned to face back to where he was and noticed his bewildered look that he didn't bother to hide even a little bit. "Is something wrong, Harry?" Her inquiry went ignored for the briefest of moments until Harry asked, "Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"That...that buzzing energy. It feels like electricity I think. It also feels warm like the sun on a hot day, but not hot enough to burn." He scrunched his nose as he spoke with furrowed eyebrows.

"Ah, you mean this." The scarlette girl stretched her magic that had spread throughout the air and brought it towards where she could feel Harry's own magic. The dark-haired boy had flinched at the first contact, not knowing what it was that had just occurred. She let her magic dance along with his and rejuvenate him until the light returned to his eyes and his injuries healed ever further until they were merely faded bruises.

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