And So It Begins

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Okay don't hurt me please. I know it's been quite some time since the last update; and I am truly sorry. You know what they say "when life gives you lemons it squirts you in the face with acidic juice and tips your life upside down" Oh that's not how it goes? Welp, I've no more fucks to give so...on to the story!

Harry could not believe the major turn-around that his life had taken after he made the decision to go with Silver. Terra, after meeting him, became the male role model that he didn't know he desperately needed. Terra would phrase it as "teaching him to be man" whatever that actually entailed.

Harry started to fill out and wasn't as skinny via Silver's home cooking. She had planned out his meals and took him to the gym with her and Terra where they spent time building his muscle and physic to the point that he wasn't a lanky, malnutritional boy anymore. Yes, there were chores to be done in the house; but there was a system. Each had their own set to do based on the responsibilities they have in the house.

The Siblings did not make Harry do everything and he was so grateful for it. All he was asked to do was to keep up with his room, help Terra keep their shared bathroom clean, and the mindset of "if you made the mess, you clean it up." Whoever made the meals―usually Silver―cleaned the kitchen and took care of the food as well unless someone volunteered to do the dishes and other things.

Harry had a blast decorating his room. Not only had the two Scarlets taken him around the shopping district and market of the Sanctuary, but they let him pick out his own stuff. Granted, Silver guided him a little when it came to internal decorating, but she was good at it.

They were in a store with a little bit of everything. Both mundane and magical. At first, Harry did not know how he wanted to decorate his room seeing as he never had one of his own. He was just glad that this one was clean and didn't have any spider webs. Silver told him to start off with his favorite color. He told them that he had always liked the color red, but he didn't know why.

"How does a red rug sound?" She asked him. Harry had given it some thought before shrugging.

"Maybe?" Was his response. He truly did not know where to start. That was until Silver's eyes started to literally shine and sparkle like glitter. Her hands started flying about as she spoke faster and faster the more words that left her mouth.

"We could paint your walls a dark maroon red or a wine red, but matte. We don't do shiny walls for this. Have a red Barcelona rug and a dark brown leather reading chair in the corner with a wooden bookcase for all your books. And Oh! We―we could paint the door frame and windowsill gold to accent the red and have a brick accent wall!" Silver's description was so vivid in Harry's mind that he could practically see the room. However, it was missing something.

"Could the bedding have a soft yellow to go with the red? Or could the walls be the soft yellow and the bed be red?" He asked while he chewed on the inside of his lip.

Silver stared at him for a moment before answering. "Either way is great. It's what you want the room to be in the end. I'm just throwing out ideas." She told him with a shrug.

In the end, Harry decided to keep the walls the neutral tan they were already painted. His bedspread was red with gold accented embroidery that actually went very well the Barcelona rug they ended up getting for him. Harry decided against the chair and bookshelf as he said there were plenty of those in both the living and family room. Terra patted his back with an approving grin when he said that. Harry beamed.

Harry also found that he really liked to work in the kitchen with Silver. She taught him new recipes, even her special cake made from scratch. He never knew that he could enjoy cooking until he was having an all-out food war with the siblings and they all became covered in flour. He didn't get yelled at for having such fun or making the mess.

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