Chapter 48 - An offer

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---Kyle's POV---

"I thank you for contacting us so quickly on this matter." Asami praised as she arrived at our pack. I smiled, bowing deeper than she did to show her respect deserved for someone of her class and age.

"My..." She murmured breathlessly, a smile turning her face radiant. "It's been eons since someone took the effort to learn of my culture with no ulterior motive but to give proper respects."

A flush spread over my face while Drake let out a playful growl, which Asami instantly placated. "Ah, Drake-san, don't worry. Kyle-san might be incredibly cute, but he is yours. I do not come between mated pairs."

Even if it was simple teasing, Drake still pulled me closer against him. As if to physically stake his claim, reminding everyone that Drake and I were mated.

However, both of us expressed our surprise at seeing Asami and her crew here. After all, we had already informed them that Luna Raina wasn't going to leave her pack behind, even if she just got rejected.

Asami smiled, brushing a curl of pitch black hair from her cheek. "After receiving multiple small infractions from separate packs, the Council has deemed it necessary to give all packs a thorough investigation. Even those who are more than allied with the Council."

Drake nodded in understanding. "You cannot show any favoritism towards certain packs, or even species, without raising the hackles of the other communities."

Ah. That explained a lot. If word got out that the Council favored certain people and upheld them to different standards, there would be an outcry from all of the species that were represented by said Council.

After all, how could the Council truly eradicate all evil, if they stooped so low as to show favoritism to certain groups?

Yet, Asami didn't seem like an inquisitor of sorts, here on official business. She didn't emit a threatening aura at all, which contradicted her words.

"They can complain, of course. However if we find our allies to be without a fault, that isn't favoritism but mere common sense. Why would we constantly observe and scrutinize those that have not committed any crimes?" Asami spoke, motioning with her hand towards her team before they spread out.

With our inspection, any protesters couldn't claim that the Council's vigil was biased. Nor could the Council's own words and decrees be held against them when said allies were found to be without a fault.

Which is why the Council even bothered to send a delegation our way. Proving our innocence and maintaining order in one single action.

Not that they didn't have other ways to find out if corruption was present among those they trusted.

Being too trustworthy of someone, was a weakness and a mistake as well.

Drake lifted an impeccable brow when Asami didn't leave to lead the investigation alongside her team. "I'm assuming an inspection isn't the only reason why you've come."

A gentle smile was the only response we needed before venturing to Drake's office. The second the doors closed behind Asami, she tapped a single manicured nail against the wooden surface before sighing.

"Now we can speak without any ears listening in." Her lips thinned ever so slightly, making me worried that there might be something seriously wrong.

A notion that was only growing stronger when Asami silently took a seat when Drake motioned towards it. Contemplating her words carefully before she wet her lips.

"Besides the corruption found in several packs, we've received numerous reports of Rejected being found. As you recall, one of those affected Alphas recently called you. What I am about to tell you is confidential information and must not leave this room."

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