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Hanging out with the boys had been more fun than I thought. I had in a way gotten a bit familiar with their names because of their unique visuals.

Huening Kai was the one with blonde hair, Beomgyu has long black hair with highlights, Yeonjun has pretty lips, Taehyun has big eyes and Soobin is the one who resembles a bunny.

"Hold up, Minji is calling me" Huening Kai said.

"Minji is our girl friend, she was busy so she couldn't join us, but I think she's on her way now." Yeonjun explained.

I nodded with an "ahh" sound.

"Yeah we're at the skatepark, come here" Huening Kai said as he talked to the phone.

"Is Minji coming?" Beomgyu asked as he skated towards us.

"Yeah I think so" Yeonjun replied.

"Ah Myeonji, by the way, try to be a little understanding with Taehyun and Minji. They have a little hard time accepting other people into their lives. Take your time to get to know them and try to get them to feel comfortable around you." Yeonjun said reassuringly.

"Oh alright" I replied.

Come to think of it, Taehyun hadn't really talked to me as much as the other 4. He only looked at me sometimes.

A little while later we heard the skatepark fence opening.

"Minnieee" Taehyun cutely said while smiling and waddling over to the girl who is most likely Minji.

"Tyunie~" Minji replied.

I was shocked at how Taehyun changed. One second he was blankly staring at me, the next he's acting all cute for the girl who just walked in.

"Yo Min to the ji" Yeonjun greeted as he skated over.

"Hey Yeon to the jun" Minji greeted back.

Then Minji's eyes caught mine and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"Who's that?" Minji quietly asked Yeonjun, so the unknown girl wouldn't hear. Though it was quite obvious they were talking about me, as they both turned to me.

Yeonjun called me over with his hand and I reluctantly stood up.

"This is Park Myeonji, you should get to know her she's pretty cool" Yeonjun said, almost like he was advertising me.

Minji just kept looking at me and I grew worried that something was on my face.

Yeonjun flicked her forehead and she got back to her senses.

"Oh yeah, uhm hi" she said.

"Hi" I said.

She looked unsure but I knew it was just because of what Yeonjun had told me before she got here.

"I love your hair, where did you get it done?" I asked, trying to be nice and start a normal conversation.

"Uhm I cut it myself." Minji replied hesitantly.

"Hey don't take away my credit" Beomgyu said as he laughed.

"Yeah right! We did most of the cutting while you just sat there and prayed we wouldn't mess up your hair" Taehyun chipped in.

I lightly laughed and so did Minji.

I smiled at her but she sadly just looked away. I understood it would take some time, but I don't mind it.

Just then, my phone started buzzing. I excused myself and walked a bit further away from the group of people.



"Myeonji are you okay? It's been 3 hours since you left, I started getting worried"

"Oh sorry, I should've texted or something. I'm at the skatepark. I met some cool people and we've been hanging out."

"I see, well grandma and grandpa are here and they want to meet you, could you ask your new friends to meet you some other time instead?"

"Oh okay, well I'll tell them. I'll see you at home"

"Guys I need to go" I said as I came back to the group.

"Aww already?" Huening Kai whined.

"I'm sorry, my grandparents are over and I need to see them" I said as I pouted.

"Cant you stay just a littleee bit more?" Huening Kai begged.

"Gosh Kai just let her go, she has something to do. Besides, we can meet tomorrow right?" Soobin asked as he turned towards me and smiled.

"Oh well, sure" Myeonji replied.

"Myeonji before you leave, give me your number." Yeonjun asked.

Yeonjun gave me his phone and I typed in my number. I saved the name as "Skatepark girl Myeonji"

Yeonjun furrowed his brows once I gave him back his phone.

"Mm no I don't like this name." Yeonjun said as he started typing again.

"There" Yeonjun said, looking happy.

I looked at his screen and it said "Myeon🖤"

"Everyone in the friend group is labeled with a black heart" Yeonjun explained

I smiled at the nickname but then remembered that I need to go.

I grabbed my skateboard and the ice tea, bid everyone goodbye and left.

"I'LL TEXT YOU LATER" Yeonjun yelled.

"ALRIGHT, HAVE FUN" I yelled back before I skated away.

On the way home I couldn't help but wonder how my summer was gonna end up being like.

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