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I ran home. I ran so fast I was totally out of breath when I reached the front gates.

I wiped away my tears and put on my best smile as I walked into the house.

It was loud and crowded, but luckily I spotted my mom standing by the counter.

"Oh my gosh Myeonji you're drenched" my mom said worriedly as I walked to her.

"Mom I cant be here, my head is spinning and the loud noises are gonna make my ears explode" I pleaded.

"It's loud everywhere, not even the upstairs are available. Do you want me to take you somewhere?" My mom asked with worry.

I couldn't hear what my mom was saying at that point, because my ears started ringing. The sound pierced through my ears and I ran out of the house again. I speed walked. I didn't know where I ended up but I was already crying from the loud ringing that was still there.

I held my ears tightly not being able to even hear my own thoughts. I saw a forest area and ran to it, thinking it was gonna be the most peaceful there.

I sat down on a patch of grass, admiring the forest as the trees showed off their lovely hues of green. Or atleast I tried to admire them, but the tears blurred everything and the only thing I could see was Beomgyus angry face. The ringing hadn't yet stopped either. I could hear Taehyun yelling at me through the ringing.

I was desperately sitting with my hands clutching my ears, trying to get the uncomfortable noise to stop. Suddenly everything fell quiet, almost like the world had fallen asleep.

We had been running around town for what felt like an hour. The whole group was extremely worried as Myeonji wasn't answering any calls, and no one saw where she went.

"Broo where the fuck is she" Yeonjun swore as he breathed heavily.

"Ugh I'm so tired I can't anymore" Beomgyu panted.

We were now back at the skatepark, no one had seen or heard about Myeonji anywhere.

"Why do stuff like this happen" Taehyun questioned as he fell to his knees, desperately needing to breathe.

"We cant just stop like this though, we have to find her. God knows where she could be right now" Minji said worriedly as she paced around.

"Ah I need a break. This is too much" Yeonjun said as he stood up. He started walking towards his favorite forest, the one near his house. He needed to get his mind off of things for at least a little moment.

Where could she be? This is so stressful Yeonjun thought. This day has certainly been rough for everyone.

Once Yeonjun arrived he nearly tripped on something. Looking down confused, he saw a familiar face.

"Myeonji? MYEONJI" Yeonjun yelled.

But Myeonji didn't respond.

Yeonjun then quickly checked her pulse and she was fine, but she was burning up. Yeonjun checked her forehead and he was certain she had a fever, a high one in fact.

Yeonjun reached for his phone and called Soobin.

I felt like I was getting carried up to heaven. I slightly opened my eyes and there was a pounding throb in my head. I whimpered as I dug my face into something hard.

"Myeonji?" Yeonjun asked.

I opened my eyes a bit more, catching eye contact with a worried Beomgyu.

"Mmh" I replied, not having the energy to say anything else.

But before I got an answer, the world went black again.

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