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"Beomgyu, I'll go over to Jiwon's so you guys have the house to yourselves." Beomgyus mom informed as she slid on her shoes.

"Alright, have fun" Beomgyu said.

Once Beomgyus mom left Yeonjun burst out laughing.

"HAHAHA MYEON WHAT WAS THAT" Yeonjun made fun of me again.

"SHUT UP I WAS STRESSING" I defended myself, it was quite funny honestly.

"You begged to stand behind me so she wouldn't see you like an idiot" Soobin laughed.

"I wouldn't have been caught if SOMEONE didn't bring me out" I said as I glared at Beomgyu.

"But everything went well so you're fine." Beomgyu said with a smile.

Minji grabbed the bags and put them on the kitchen counters. She started unpacking everything.

I joined her while the boys went to go change into comfortable clothing. Beomgyus house was still pretty cold so I kept his hoodie on.

"Hey Myeonji?" Minji said in a questioning tone.

"Yeah?" I asked back.

"Do.. you like any of the boys?" Minji asked hopefully.

"Mm no not really, partly because I met them just recently and they're more like annoying siblings" I replied.

"Okay, that's good" Minji replied happily.

"Why?" I asked.

"Last time we had another girl in the group, she fell inlove with Soobin. She made everyone in the group uncomfortable. I just didn't want it to end up like that again. So thank you" Minji smiled.

"Ahh that sounds irritating" I said annoyed.

"Yeah, it's not really like that for you though. Everyone loves you and you don't seem like you are attracted to any of them but I just wanted to make sure" Said Minji as she tapped on the counter.

"Mhm I get it" I replied.

"Whatchya talkin about?" Beomgyu skipped in. He was wearing black sweatpants and a white tshirt.

"Girl talk, you're not invited" I said jokingly.

"Nooo girlieee let me in on the teaaa" Beomgyu joked.

Taehyun walked in with furrowed brows, wondering why his older friend was acting like that.

"fuck off Beomgyu we don't act like that" Minji laughed.

"Uh huh sure" Beomgyu said.

"What am I witnessing right now?" Taehyun finally spoke up.

"The girls are definitely telling each other secrets and I wanna hear them too" Beomgyu explained himself.

"By acting like that you would get invited to the girl talk?" Taehyun asked, almost reading me and Minjis minds.

"Ugh whatever everyone is ganging up on me" Beomgyu finally gave up.

"Alright everyone let's prep the food" Yeonjun said as he, Kai and Soobin walked in.

People make many wrong decisions, my biggest one was letting the boys cook while Minji showered and changed.

"Myeon Myeon Myeon Myeon please please please help the water is spilling everywhere" Yeonjun begged.


"Myeonjinie can u chop these up?" Soobin asked.

"Moonie I need chopsticks could you pass me a pair?" Taehyun asked.

Oh. My. God.

Everything was a mess. Yeonjun overfilled the pot where the noodles would go and Beomgyu cant even open a can of pickled radishes.

I was running around the kitchen, helping Yeonjun spill some of the water into the sink, giving a can opened for Beomgyu, handing Taehyun the chopsticks he needed and chopped up the spring onions like Soobin asked me to.

Minji walked in and watched me run around the kitchen stressed.

"Woah Myeonji you're like lightning." Minji complimented.

"Yeah well this lightning is absolutely drained." I laughed.

The food was done and we all sat down at the dinner table. We put the pot of noodles in the center of the table, and we had some kimchi, pickled radishes and seaweed as side dishes.

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