Stanley..Listen to me {P1}

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"This is the story about of a man named Stanley....Stanley worked for a company in a big building," a big breath "Where he was employee number 427.Employe 427's job was simple.He sat at his desk in room 427 and he pushed buttons on the keyboard.Orders came to him through a monitor on his desk,telling him what buttons to push,how long to push them and in what order.This is what employee 427 did every day of every mon-"

A small groan could be heard from the lean man at his desk interrupting the monologue from the narrator. "What are you on about?.." came out as a small mumble.

"..Stanley.. you never spoke before? What's with the sudden interruption!" the narrators voice ran along the walls and to Stanley's ears.
"I've never met you before,I'm really sorry..." He shakes his head sorrowfully. "I thought I knew all my co-workers by now.."
"Stanley don't you remember it all! The bucket...The times we had with the broom closet!" The narrator sounded as if they was straining their voice.

Stanley just stood up and walked through the hallways of his building. Stanley looked up at the speakers in the rooms ahead.
On cue the narrator said "All of his co-workers were gone-"
"Why do you keep following me everywhere..You were talking about me working earlier?"
"Because your triggering my pre-recorded dialogue! Like we skipped half of my beginning dialogue!" he huffed "your doing this on purpose arn't you?"
Stanley frowned "Dialogue? What are you on about?, And also my co-workers are fine its a vacation week... I just worked overtime"
"Vacation week....oh Stanley I'm sure that's just a excuse for them disappearing you made up!" He sighs "Stanley your mind doesn't side with you. Your co-workers are gone!"
Stanley clenches his fist on a mug he finds on his co-workers desk "I'll find someone working overtime too,to prove it to you- wait... Who even are you?"
"Stanley don't worry about that. We got to get to the meeting room!"

Stanley storms off and finds a employee on a computer with their hair tied messily on their head. Their uniform looked messy but still met the work requirements, their name tag 'fen' shining bright "Heya Stan! Hows the overtime shift?"

Stanley smiles at Fen "yeah, I'm just heading things.."
"How could this be..another person?? I didn't make another person.." The narrator sounds stressed
"Do you hear anything Fen..please tell me I am not suffering from lack of sleep and caffeine again" Stanley huffs.
"I think your suffering again stan. I got my leftover mug from the machine if you want it?" Fen holds out their mug towards Stanley
Stanley grabs it softly and takes a few sips of the drink before waving and heading back to his desk,leaving Fen smiling and continuing to work hard at their computer.

"Stanley..please listen to me!" They sound even more stressed then before
"Only I can hear you...That means you don't exist. Please get out my head. I don't have time for this!" Stanley pushes down the key 'E' for 3 seconds.
"Stanley please I can prove I'm real,tell me what you need me to do! As long as you'll listen to me!" They're worrying now.
"Show me what you look like. İf your real and somehow exist.. show me you exist.. that's all I ask" Stanley twiddled his thumbs relatively stressed.
"Will you listen to me then..? Will I finally be heard?.."
"Yes.. I just don't believe you untill I see you." Stanley faced the door of his office expectantly.

A broad shouldered man who looked in his mid twenty's to thirties in a jacket and a comfy shirt walked in,his shoes making sound on the shiny floor. Stanley saw his combed faded hair and his careful glasses. "Is this better Stanley?" He adjusts his tie then his sleeve cuff stalling till Stanley gave a response.

"Yeah.. I haven't seen you before but I guess I'll listen to you now but don't expect anything too extreme from me...Wait.. what is your name?." Stanley stands up carefully.
"Just call me Narrator.Thats all I really have for now." He puts his left hand in his trouser pocket and his right hand on his hip
"Like a author kind of thing?." Stanley raises a eyebrow.
"Yes,yes pretty much the same thing definition wise." He rolls his eyes a little.
"Alright. Narrator I just got to Finnish this last bit of my shift before I can help you out alright?.." Stanley sits down again after remembering this
"You still got work? You really care about your job. Well I ment to say that before but obviously this place is different.." he puts his hand and on the bridge of his nose.

Stanley keeps tapping snf holding on his keyboard when suddenly he feels a head on his shoulder and feels eyes on his hands as he works. He looks up to his shoulder to see 'Narrator' curiously peering over at the screen.
"What are you doing?-" Stanley stops
"Can I not watch you work as I wait for you to be done?" He stands straight with his hand on Stanley's shoulder.
"You were just a bit close for comfort when I was doing important things,you know?" He looked back at his screen
"Oh right. That might feel invasive as well. You 'never met me before..' well physically anyway...." The 'narrator' sighed a heavy breath as quietly as he could
"I heard that..I'm nearly done just be patient. I promise I wont be long." Stanley speeds up his pace a little
"Do you even know the point of your job?" He looks at Stanley curious
"We make free games. We all make the code together line at a time!" Stanley presses a enter key loudly
"Then you monetise them even as free to plays?"
"Yeah..I don't know uhm." Stanley turns his computer off now

"Are you finally done Stanley!" He lets a very big sigh of relief out
"Yeah I am ,as I said what did you need from me?" Stanley tucks his chair in
"We need to head to the meeting room and head on with my story even if it is... lost." He points to the doors at the end of the hallway through the glass in the door.
"Story? Sure whatever. I mean the meeting room is probably empty but it will cause me no harm.
"Thank goodness now come on!" The 'narrator' pushes Stanley out the door after turning the handle.
"Woah! Be careful with me,I'm fragile!" Stanley chuckles a little bit has a light skin stare.
"Sorry,sorry but stanley come on the left door is just there!" He grins
"Fine fine. This is my workplace,you know I do know the way right?" Stanley walks to the door
"Since I can't command you as I normally do,I'm just making sure you know where to go!" He folds his arms.

Can't you listen!? |Stanley X NarratorWhere stories live. Discover now