*Sighs* Well..HI {P15}

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(15K+ reads and 500+ votes. How can I not deliver? But seriously I'm so much better at writing now so hush and enjoy)

After Stanley returned home from work he gently places his eyes on the window. He feels his body jump in shock as a firm hand handed on his shoulder. He would look over his shoulder at the Narrator,his expression and body relaxing.

"Stanley? Are you seriously going to meet up with Fern again and at his house?.." His voice curled up in the end,almost dripping in hidden jealous worry.
"I don't see the harm in it.We met up last week and I came back fine." He would give a tiny caring smile.
"What if I came with you..?" He would inhale and exhale heavily before speaking again "I'm sure I won't be much trouble."
"Fine,fine!" His laugh would play out like music in the narrator's ears "Just don't embarrass me Infront of my friend. Alright?"
The Narrator Would have a almost sarcastic laugh himself "so when are..we. leaving?"
"In a minuite! I just gotta get changed!"
"Changed? Why can't you just go as you are?" His voice was rather whiney as he said this.
"Because I worked in it. Would you.. nevermind" he would laugh with a gentle smile.
The Narrator would just do a annoyed hand motion with a soft smile on his face.
"Shoo then.go get changed." He would roll his eyes.
Stanley would run off to his room to change.

Stanley would run to the door and open it up with slight force "opened it!"
Narrator would sigh with a subtle chuckle walking through the door then waiting for Stanley to walk through after. Isn't this just wholesome? The two were walking down the pathways holding hands and humming as they walked together. They had no worries in the world as they were heading to Fern's.
"I wonder what his house is like since my last visit!" Stanley had the laugh of a giddy child as he went on.
The narrator would nod and hold Stanley tight,a pit sat at the bottom of his stomach, something was wrong.


Fern would grasp around in their bag,that silver blade shone in the soft light that lit up their living room. Their face twisted into a grimace,they would see splatters of blood splatter on their hands before throwing the blade to the ground.These visions stung their mind and made them feel agony and guilt as well as a overwhelming sense of dread.
"What am I doing!?" They would collapse to the floor, their gaze stuck on the blade that shone before them "Leave me..Leave them alone! Why can't I help myself!?"
Light bounded off the silver knife,Fern felt their body,alike a puppet or a slave to their own mind,grasp the blade tight. they would slide it into their pocket before a lone droplet would slide down their cheek.


Stanley would let his first gently knock on the soft texture of the door, hearing footsteps on the other side Stanley would grin. The door would swing open..The narrator knew he was right instantly whether it was Ferns tired and worn down demeanor or generally empty eyes. The void in Fern seemed worse then before... Stanley wouldn't listen to him if he spoke about it would he?
"It's a pleasure and all,but we have to leave early today. So we can only stop by.." his hand would rest on the back of his neck.
Before stanley can protest Fern would speak up "Understandable! I'm glad you could even stop by.."
"Yeah... right." Stanley would stare at the narrator,his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and a mild annoyance.
"I wouldn't want you waiting,come on!" Fern would smile as they moved out the way letting the two inside.
Stanley and narrator would sit themselves down on a seat in the living room,the narrator would notice how dimly lit the room was. This contrasted the soft sky-blue walls and soft roses and lilies decorating the walls. Fern would walk in and then turn the lights back to a soft glow.
"The bulbs have been going lately. I was going to get Ethan out to look at it but he was busy" Fern would force a choked back laugh.
The narrator's gaze would narrow and Stanley would land a hand on the narrator's own to comfort him but the narrator wasn't worried about that.

Something was wrong...

Can't you listen!? |Stanley X NarratorWhere stories live. Discover now