Shining silver {P16}

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✨✨blood and and scars and sicknesses YAY. y'all fern angst is so sad to write. No matter how much i hate them✨✨
Their eyes would narrow as Stanley placed a hand on the Narrator's but only the Narrator seemed to pick up on this reaction.
"So... Fern correct" His voice was cautious and wobbled slightly.
Fern didn't respond before suddenly jumping like a glitchy video "Correct,can I help you?.."
"İs Something bothering you?" The Narrator was attempting to be nice here.
Stanley would get up smiling "you two keep getting along while I'm gone okay?" And would leave the room.
Fern would look back at the Narrator"İ-You. No..You're the problem" Fern would stare daggers through the narrator's soul.
The air hung heavy,hanging them down. Something more was clearly the issue here then what Fern was saying.. then he noticed it. A thick crimson stain was trailed down Fern's palm, splitting like rivers on their skin.

. . .

Fern had just woken up,their head and neck held the pain of being propped up for hours on end. Groans of tired agony floated in the air. They would drag their body to the kitchen,their body slumped over the side as they winced. They would feel the scars on their wrist crawl and pierce their mind. They were long scratch like scars running up their arm. The more they stared the longer it made them sick.They would quickly cover them and start to make toast.
The toaster pinged...
The toast went on a plate...
The butter came out the fridge...
Scoop the butter with a knife..
The blood soaks into the bread..
Wait.. Fern would stare at their palm and feel their head grow light. Blood trickled down their palm and their body ached and stomach twisted. They felt like throwing up but they physically couldn't...

. . .

The Narrator Would look at the blood and back at fern "what...have you done..?"
Fern would look at their palm and the morning would sting their mind "just a incident during breakfast..."
The Narrator Would look back at Ferns bag in the corner. İt looked messy,the strap was torn and threads loose. Ferns gaze would also land on the bag..silence...
Fern would grab the bag and set it by their feet,their gaze straying to the Narrator once more.
" I.." Fern would cover their mouth with their hand and cough before looking back at their hand...
Blood trailed down their mouth..they would wipe it away and frown.

Stanley would return and the sun Would return to the room. Stanley would kiss the Narrator on the cheek before smiling at Fern.
"I'm sorry I took a while!" His laugh was genuine and calm.
The Narrator felt himself sit closer to Stanley once Stanley was sat down. The Narrator almost felt...scared of something. Stanley would look at the Narrator and a look of concern would fill his face.
"Are you alright..? You look like you've seen a ghost" Stanley's hand would land on the Narrator's cheek.
"You two should probably leave anyway. İ have...things to attend to." Ferns smile didn't reach their eyes..
"Come on Stanley.." the narrator's hand would pull Stanley up as the two would head to the door.
Stanley would wave at fern before leaving. The Narrator would see a soft silver in Ferns eyes and a blade sat in his pocket.
A soft word left Ferns mouth "Run.."  before the door Would shut.

. . .

The two were home and the narrator still felt his nerves shaking and warning him of some danger. Stanley was still confused.
"Want to cuddle? Want coffee?.." Stanley's pleads would get more concerned as he spoke.
"Cuddling would be nice...." his voice was scarse again.
The Narrator would smile as Stanley and him walked into the bedroom and took their shoes off. They would get into bed and the Narrator Would have Stanley's curled up body leant into his,the narrator's hand lay over Stanley's waist. The silence was comforting and the warmth of eachother. The birds were sweet and the wind wasn't there. The peace was pleasant. All that's needed to receive the narrator's nerves..
until the sharp scraping that pierced his ears..
But as soon as it started,it was gone..

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