Arnt you jealous?{P2}

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"You know I'm fine direction wise?" Stanley steps into the meeting room.
"Ah Atleast we are here! None of your coworkers are here,so you haven't missed a memo! Maybe you should go to your bosses office!" The narrator looks as Stanley stops.
"I already told you people are on vacation?? Screw this witch hunt you want me on I'm going back to Fen to talk about what shifts I have next week..." Stanley goes to walk out the room.
The narrator grabs his wrist "..wait!..don't go I. Am lonely alot of the time and my story isn't the one in this world I guess... Just please don't leave me alone in a world where I know nobody Stanley.."
"What do I matter to you? I mean I can understand the worlds thing because you came out of nowhere..." Stanley frees from the 'narrators grasp and holds his hand by his side
"You were one of my closest things to a friend Stanley...Even when you hung out with a bucket more than me- regardless Stanley please don't go.."
"Fine.Im going to ask Fen about my shifts anyway but I guess you can come too." He gives a tiny smile and walks towards Fen's office.

"Stan!" Fen messes up their hair a little before waving at Stanley
"Fen what's going on? You finish up yet?" he hugs Fen softly.
The narrator just stares at Fen accidentally making eye contact and then scowling.
"Not done yet but why are you visiting and who's he?" Fen sits down again quietly.
"That's 'narrator'. He's a..friend of mine 'well technically' and I'm here to check the rotor for next week!" Stanley leans on Fen's desk laughing when Fen boops his nose.
"Sure thing Stan! I'll get them up now for you." Fen clicks off a few things and onto a few things.
Stanley goes round to their side to check the rotor whispering into Fen's ear. The narrator didn't like that he quietly thought to himself 'what is he talking about.. I have no clue what they could be saying..'.Fen nudges Stanley before he gets up and walks over to the narrator. He puts his arm around Stanley protectively but not too tight for Stanley to feel it too much.
"I'll be off Fen!" He rolls up one of his sleeves so he could wave and then mutters "why are you holding onto me like that?.."

As the narrator and Stanley are back in Stanley's office "what were you two whispering about.You could've been talking about anything.."
Stanley packs up his stuff as fast as he can to head back to his apartment" just a workplace joke we made. Why are you so invasive when I do anything? I get were friends once but your acting possessive.."
"I-.... Stanley I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to be invasive,I wanted to protect you that's all." He fidgets with his fingers as he looks to the floor.
"It's fine.. I just don't know how I used to know you and I'm being overly paranoid." He breathes in and out "sorry for getting like that."
"Stanley it's my-"
"'s our fault if you even have any blame in the matter.Im not trying to understand how you care for me as a close friend but rather a stranger."
"Well.could we be friends then Stanley?" He looks up softly.
"Yeah I need a good friend." He smiles
"About that..I don't really have a place to stay-" he puts his hand to his forehead in forgetfulness
"As I forced you to show yourself,ill house you. Just don't watch me sleep or anything alright?"
"I won't make promises!" Stanley stares at him "i was joking okay Stanley!..."
The two slowly walk out of the office and out of the building.

Back at Stanley's place it's rather late now ,Stanley puts his bag down on the floor and untightens his tie before sitting down on the sofa.
"Stanley.i cannot thank you enough." He goes to elaborate before he's interrupted.
He opens his eyes halfway "I'm serious it's okay."
"Right,right..."  The narrator copies Stanley undoing his tie a little and sitting down by Stanley. "Is this how you spend all your remainder time?".
"A lot of it yeah. I don't have much to do after work. Also you didn't need to copy me. My tie was very tight that's why I undid it" stanley leans over and tightens the narrators tie for him.
"I..thank you but I'm capable of fixing it myself Stanley.."
"Says the one who copied me to try and fit in." Stanley chuckles a little at the slightly annoyed narrator.
He gives a little pout before continuing on "wheres the room i will sleep in tonight Stanley?" He sits up a little
"The room with the stars on. It used to be a relatives apartment so it had more rooms then i needed." He stays leaned back.

"Right.." he adjusts his jacket as he stands. "Im going to go and uh check out that room then I.. I'm unsure".
Stanley waves as the narrator enters the room. The walls were decorated with stars and the furniture was limited minus a bed and bedside table,but regardless he was lucky Stanley even let him in as a stranger spouting on about timelines and buckets. He felt the walls up and down before looking out the small window. Nature as far as the eye can see.. minus a road. The room was also rather spacious for a room as bare as this.'Did Stanley really have a extra room I didn't know about like this? This world is very different i suppose..'.He ran his fingers along the dusty windowsill before coughing a little as the dust flew upwards.
"STANLEY IM GOING TO SLEEP NOW I SUPPOSE.." the narrator took off his glasses and cleaned them.
He then got changed into something comfy with the clap of his hands and got into bed. Leaving his glasses on the bedside table. He gently pulled the soft duvet over his shoulders and turned over pulling his body close to a huddled fetal position.A soft tear as he starts dreaming falls down his cheek.

Can't you listen!? |Stanley X NarratorTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang