The broom closet {P8}

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(im gonna start the chapter off saying there may be rough implications in this chapter and maybe a few onwards,If it's fully fluff I won't leave a warning but you've been warned it has implications. If it's full Smutt [not saying I will] I'll label it at the top of the chapter.)

"Here we are" Stanley fiddles with the door handle on the broom closet getting it open.
The shelves were fine and in tact but the items were mismatched everywhere.
"Whoever made such a mess sure had fun doing it." He looked at the cupboards at the top.
"The faster we get done,the better" Stanley gives a small sigh.
"You know you could've said no and I could've done it for you,my dear" The narrator looks at Stanley.
"You do a lot for me. I'm glad but I got to do atleast one thing myself" Stanley smiles.
"As you wish Stanley. But you will be resting or something else passive when you get home." The narrator crosses his arms watching Stanley step inside.

The narrator follows Stanley inside looking at the floor littered with buckets,brooms,cleaner and soap everywhere.
The narrator spots the buckets slowly grabbing them all to put on the top shelf "None of these shall be in your grab range." the narrator chuckled.
"So mean,I wasn't going to steal a bucket anyway." Stanley huffed turning to a broom slowly putting it horizontally on the bottom shelf.
Stanley grabs another broom repeating the process hoping to do it step by step,looking up to see the narrator halfway done resorting the cupboards.
"How do you even do that so quick? I'm just sorting brooms" stanley looks at the broom in his hand.
"I just remember the setup really well." The narrator shrugged.
"Must be very photogenic if so" Stanley raises his eyebrow making the narrator chuckle.
Stanley looks at the broom shelf proud looking at the like 5 other brooms letting out a small groan.
"You tired already my dear?" The narrator turned to face Stanley.
"No just a bit annoyed at the brooms"

The narrator walks over grabbing a broom then grabbing Stanley's hand walking over to the place where the brooms are then putting it down.
"I will do it but you have to walk with me"
"I'd rather be carried then walk. I'm so tired" stanley leaned on the wall stroking his hair down.
The narrator swiftly grabs Stanley,holding him bridal style "alright then. You made your choice,my dear."
"How did you do that so easily!?" Stanley puts his arms around the narrators shoulders.
"I am just naturally strong I suppose,I just thought you were light." The narrator laughs.
The narrator then slowly walked around grabbing brooms with with Stanley in his arms putting them back.Occasionally giving Stanley a kiss on the cheek.
"The next part I'm going to need both arms for Stanley."
"And if I just stay here?" Stanley jokingly stuck his tongue out.
The narrator gently leans Stanley against the wall pinning both Stanley's hands above his head using one of his own hands and using the other to gently lift up Stanley's chin "I don't think you want to be naughty enough to find out,my dear~".
The words echo through Stanley's mind,feeling himself warm up as the narrator let's him go and gives a small grin before leaving to the other side of the room.

The narrator gently adjusts a few shelves leaving Stanley watching him do so.He then walked up to a different shelf swapping some items out with a careful slide of hand.
"Stanley do you mind getting me a cloth from that side of the room?" The narrator looked over his shoulder.
"Yeah of course" Stanley gave the narrator the cloth still becoming a little warm at feeling the narrators touch over his hand after what happened.
"Thank you." He slowly wipes down a shelf being careful not to let too much dust fly around.
He then gently bends over grabbing a few spray bottles of cleaner lining them up on the shelf.
"Stanley,my dear is there much else to do?" The Narrator gently walks over to the other shelf.
"Not that im Aware of. I'm sure we can leave it like this anyway." Stanley gives a small shrug.
"Alright well I feel we can finish this last pat then we head back." The narrator grabs a bottle of cleaning supplies off the shelf swapping it out for soap.
He repeats this process again now keeping his eye on the way Stanley watched him as he did such.
"I think I'm pretty much done now Stanley. I think Fern shouldn't complain about this anyways." The narrator turns to the door opening it for Stanley.
Stanley walks through waiting outside for the narrator.

The two leave together and arrive at the house, the cool breeze from the windows cutting off after being shut by the narrator.
"Thank goodness were back" he sat down.
Stanley sat down beside him "it wasn't too bad."
The narrator feels Stanley warm up as the narrator puts his hand gently on top of Stanley's. The Narrator turned to see Stanley have a slightly flustered face.
"Stanley are you alright?" The narrator looks intrigued and confused
Stanley replies nodding looking to his left to discover the narrator moving closer to him.
"You've been flustered and warm before but not this bad. Is it me or was it the broom closet and it's leaving you unwell.."
Stanley looks up at the narrator mumbling something under his breath.
"May you repeat that for me dear?" The narrator puts his hand on Stanley's cheek
Stanley sits up a little confidently "Have I been naughty enough today?."
The narrator first looks taken aback by surprise before mustering a response "Not today you haven't,Are you proposing I give you a reward?"
Stanley gives a small nod unaware of said reward suddenly he's enveloped in a cuddle by the narrator, the narrators arm laying over Stanley's waist pulling him close. The narrators head slowly snuggled into Stanley's shoulder.
(You expected smutt and so did stanley)

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