I can do it Stanley {p7}

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The narrator laughed as Stanley started eating as soon as he served it "someone's hungry"
"I was waiting to finish this all morning" he had a mouthful while saying such.
The narrator just starts eating up giving little hums of delight as he enjoys it and just looks at Stanley shrugging as Stanley laughs a little while eating himself.
"Are you enjoying enjoying my cooking?" Stanley was practically pleading with his eyes.
"Its some of the best food I've ever tasted my dear" the narrator cuts at his last egg.
"Glad to know,I'll make it next time!" Stanley smiled.
"Or I could do it for you. Im sure I can try"
"If you burn my kitchen down I will not forgive you"
"Of course I won't" the narrator eats the last egg on his plate as he sees Stanley washing up his plate "how about I wash up tommorow?"
"You don't need to narry! I'm sure I can handle it" Stanley reaches for the narrators plate.
The narrator grabs Stanley's wrist and looks at him "I will do my own plate and you can't do anything to stop me Stanley,my dear just rest I can do it." He grabs his one plate walking to the sink.
"I..I got work later on a afternoon shift anyway so I may aswell prepare-"
"Will Firn be there?." He is looking down at the plate with a rough grip turning tight.

"Yeah... it's just is working again,you can come with. I just need to prepare my outfit and work supplies" Stanley leaves.
The narrator breathes in and out cleaning the plate.Hes slowly breathing in and grabbing a towel and drying it,putting it to the side.
"I hope everything goes fine" he cleans up a egg box putting it in the fridge.
He keeps on steadily cleaning things up for stanley,hoping to help him relax later on.He keeps on this time sweeping up gently trying not too be too loud.He then puts everything away hoping stanley was nearly done.He decided to head to find Stanley.
He strolled out towards the living room "Stanley!"
"Yeah?" Stanley was standing up from behind the sofa holding a suitcase while adjusting his work outfit.
"You're leaving so fast? I thought you had work in a hour or two?"
"Getting there early doesn't hurt! Besides faster I get my work done,the faster I can leave," Stanley shrugged.
"I suppose.Lets head off" the narrator adjusted his outfit before they left.

The Narrator watched Stanley pressing buttons in his office.
"You seriously look uncomfortable sitting there" he sat on Stanley's desk "is that chair even any good?"
"No, but my job doesn't entail 'comfy chairs'. I would rather sit on a pillow tower" Stanley chuckled.
"I gathered as much. Is there anything comfy around i could grab you?" The narrator looks at Stanley concerned.
"I should be fine unless you have anything for me,i do this every day"
"You shouldn't be doing this every day. Do your company have no morals?"
"Not really. We work long hours." Stanley pauses his work to look at the narrator
"You know how you slept on me a while ago?" The narrator stands up.
"Yeah? What are you getting at? I don't understand-" Stanley sits there.
"How about you sit on my lap as you work. I'm sure I can sit on the chair while you work."
"I'm really heavy though! I would feel really bad!"
The narrator just shrugs picking Stanley up demonstrating his point "not from what I can tell."
"I-..if you don't mind I suppose."

The narrator sits down on the chair setting Stanley down on his lap just watching Stanley adjust a little before going back to work.
"I will replace your chair before your next shift I can promise that." The Narrator looks at the chair.
"You don't have to. Some chairs can be expensive for good quality.." Stanley's working pressing buttons as usual.
"I have my ways I promise I won't spend that much." He lets out a small chuckle.
"Alright as long as you don't mind.. I wouldn't want to force you to do anything."
"You aren't forcing me,it's all of my own accord." He gives Stanley's shoulder a little pat before resting his hand on Stanley's hip.
"Hey!" Stanley looks behind him at the narrator whos just laughing.
"I didn't know you'd have such a reaction to me touching your hip." He looks up at Stanley's face "I am just finding places to put my hands minus the arms of the chair since they are quite sand paper like."
"Fine..keep it there but atleast let me get my work done."
"I suggested this so you could work without being uncomfortable."
"I know and I thank you" Stanley gets working again once again working fast while listening to the narrator humm.

Just as Stanley's finishing up when someone walks around to Stanley's office and knocks.
Stanley turns to the narrator and mumbles while standing up "get up and I'll sit back down in the chair normally"
The narrator listens and moves to sitting on the desk again looking at the door.
"Come in!" Stanley sits down to face the door in the chair.
"Hey! What's up?" Fern waves at Stanley.
"Not much Fern. What did you need?" Stanley smiles.
"Can you clean the broom closet out later. Some random person trashed the shelf yesturday so I need someone to set it up."
"What!? Who would do that? Besides why cant Jim do it?"
"Well Jim can but I'd rather someone reliable like you"
"Fine. Come on narry just finished anyway let's get it over done with now" Stanley gets up
"Alright Stanley. I suppose we should hurry up to get home." He lets out a small huff.
"Ah it's you! I remember you. What's up?" Fern smiles at the narrator
The Narrator gives Fern a stern look "Well just going to help Stanley before leaving" he grabs Stanley's hand a little tight.
"Alright I suppose. See you Stanley!" Fern waves again as Stanley and the narrator leave.

Fern grimaces "maybe I need to try harder. When will Stanley notice that I want more then just slithers of attention.." Fern looks back down the hall at the narrator catching his eye and giving a false smile returned by a cold look by the narrator.

Can't you listen!? |Stanley X NarratorKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat