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(credits to my friend who drew the art for me!)
The narrator got after getting changed holding his head subtly looking up into the darkness. He manifested a phone in his hands and sees it's "12:54" at night. 'of course I didn't sleep well' his thoughts echo in his head as he puts his hand that held the phone on his knee. He stood up slowly getting his bounds of the room. He holds his hand our as he summons a small light.

He walks into the living room and to the kitchen looking at the sink.
He just mumbles "i quiet when Stanley is asleep" he looks down at the sink before gently opening a cupboard seeing bottled water. 'Exactly what I needed...the sink would've been too loud..' he gently closes the cupboard.
He gently opens the water and downs it while learning on the countertop. He bins the empty plastic bottle and looking at the kitchen again. He goes into thought again 'maybe I should clean up for him. Give Stanley a positive response..'. He spots a broom in the corner and grabs it starting to clean up for a while before stopping.

In the morning Stanley heads to the kitchen to prepare a coffee to be returned with a sleeping narrator and a clean kitchen.
"Are you alright?.." Stanley gives the narrator a little shake.
"WH-." He sits up "yeah Stanley.. just forgot to head back to bed last night after cleaning up.."
He furrows his eyebrows "Are you sure you are alright? I definitely appreciate the effort but I'm taking today off since Fen got El in."
"Ill be fine Stanley. You just relax.I will be alright" he gives a soft smile.
"You need to sleep but first I'll make my coffee." He starts grabbing the stuff for a coffee.
"Turn around a second." Once Stanley turns the narrator softly claps and Stanley on the shoulder.
"What did you-" Stanley's eyes open wide "how did you make that so fast?.."
The narrator just shrugs as Stanley takes a big sip of the coffee before holding onto the handle and he grabs the narrators hand into the other and drags him to the spare room.

"You will go to sleep now and I will look after you during that." Stanley points at the bed
"I can function fine without sleep Stanley! Im sure." The narrator stands up straight
"You are sleeping I'm not letting you fall asleep in the kitchen again." Stanley points at the bed again
"But I'm fully dressed? You can't watch me change." The narrator points at his clothes.
"I'll stand outside the door and look away if you really won't sleep in your normal clothes." Stanley leaves the room and waits outside.
Narrator just claps and changes into some sleeping clothes muttering to himself about why he's even doing this.
"Stanley I'm done.." he sulks a little
Stanley walks in and looks at him "well. Get into bed then I want you to rest. After all you are in my house and my friend so I'm legally required to care about you."
"Not legally-" Stanley hushes him
"Get into bed stop stalling because you don't wanna sleep" Stanley looks at him disappointed.
The narrator gets into bed and sits pouting toward the wall.
"Have you eaten yet?" Stanley looks at the narrator waiting for a response.
"Not yet. Why?" The narrator spins round to face Stanley
"Let me get you something." Stanley leaves as fast as he can

When Stanley gets back holding a bowel of cereal.The narrator sits up a little 'why is he forcing me to eat now.I am fine..' he looks out the window opposite then back at Stanley.
"I got you some [random cereal] I hope it's okay" Stanley leaves the bowl in the narrators hands with a spoon.
"Thanks I guess Stanley..But why?.." he looks at Stanley confused.
"Because as I said your my friend and I took you in so it's my responsibility and your not that bad." Stanley gives him a smile "you should probably eat up now."
The narrator more against his own will then it seems starts eating up enjoying the food more then he thought.
"After this you should take a nap"
Once the narrator finished his food Stanley looked at him.
"Fine! Fine... I'll sleep Stanley. Will that make you happy?"
"Yes now sleep" Stanley stares at the narrator trying to look menacing
The narrator just chuckles and turns around and falls asleep pulling the cover over his shoulders.
Stanley gets up and takes another sip if coffee and then going on his phone.

With a large groan the narrator sits up.
"You sleep well?" Stanley looks at him
"I feel a bit better Stanley." The narrator looks up at Stanley.
"Yeah you slept about 4 hours 'narrator.' Stanley looks at the clock again.
"I- oh dear." He looks at Stanley "i slept so long"
"You didn't. It was a healthy amount"
"I haven't got anything to do anymore though so I guess I don't have to rush.."
"You know" Stanley checks his phone "we can go to the park tommorow if you want"
"I would love to do that Stanley. Getting fresh air might be nice" the narrator looks at Stanley
"For now I need to make late lunch. How about you just throw on a dressing gown and slippers and eat because your not going out anyway" Stanley points to a clothing pole in the corner
The narrator gets up and grabs the pile Finding a yellow dressing gown and slippers. 'i swear if I look stupid.' he puts the dressing gown on and then slippers.The dressing gown goes down to his knees.
"Stanley..." Stanley laughs a little
"You look comfortable though!"
"Lets just go to eat already.."  the two then leave the bedroom where they go to the kitchen as a pair.

Stanley goes on and starts making a sandwich. The narrator just keeps tapping the table while waiting. The narrator taps more frantic
"Stanleyyy.what are you doing that's taking so long?" He leans forward on the table
"Making food for us obviously." He rolls his eyes
"Stanleyyy..." The narrator goes back to tapping
"What?" Stanley sighs with a relaxed expression
"That one was just to annoy you if I'm honest."
"Of course it was." Stanley Serves up a sandwich to the narrator and sits beside him serving his own.
The narrator makes a few sounds as he eats enjoying it before becoming self conscious of such as Stanley let's out a tiny laugh.
"Stanley! Don't you laugh at me" he huffed.
"Sorry." He lets out another chuckle "I just found it very funny"
"Of course you found it very funny Stanley." He looked at Stanley laughing and gave a little laugh himself.

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