Be careful next time! {P4}

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Stanley helps the narrator clean the table after they both finished eating. Then the narrator stopped.
"How about we go to the park now? It's only like late lunch as you said-".
"Id recommend changing out..that first" Stanley chuckles and points at the dressing gown
"Personally I think I look dashing in this." He gives a little whiney face.
"Then the slippers?" Stanley points at them stifling another laugh
"Those.. I understand. They are very comfortable though"
"You should change soon before I decide tommorow is better" he pulls a jokey serious face.
"Alright.alright. wait for me won't you? Not like you have many places to hide from me" he let out a small laugh.
"You better go now,you love stalling"  he waves as the narrator goes into the bedroom.

Stanley is tapping his leg but after about 20 seconds the Narrator walks back in.
"How did you change so fast?"
"I won't spill my secrets, Stanley" he gives a cheeky wink
"You-" he gives a soft pout "don't play cheeky with me"
"I love being cheeky. I know so much more"
"I think we should set off now to the park before we never get out of this apartment" he walks towards the door
"Go ahead I'll follow behind" he follows behind stanley, opening the door for him following behind still.
Stanley walks ahead through the door, gently locking it behind him. Double checking the handle while the Narrator just watches over his shoulder.
"You seem like your struggling" the narrator puts his hand on Stanley's shoulder.
"It just needs a little more force" he tugs the key a little
"Let me help you" the Narrator outs his arm around Stanley's.
Stanley could feel the narrators back against him as the narrator gently turns Stanley's hand till the door clicks.
"There we go.." the narrator stands back to see Stanley staying still "you alright?"
"How did you do that so fast?"
"Just naturally strong I suppose.." they keep walking on till they exit the building and walk on.

Stanley clinks open the gate to the park and pushes it open. The two walk in taking their time. The narrator walks along the stone laid path hearing the sounds of shuffling stones as he walked.
"What do you want to do now Stanley?" He looks behind him "I haven't been here before."
Stanley walks beside the narrator guiding them down the path towards a nice hill and sits down.
"Stanley you're going to get dirty, it rained yesturday night.There's a bench at the bottom one the hill..." He points at the bottom of the hill.
Stanley makes a groan and stands up dusting himself off "I forgot it rained."
The narrator laughs "you got a dirt patch on your backside Stanley.."
"Hey!" He huffs "I didn't know it would be so muddy!"
"Take this Stanley." He passes Stanley a handkerchief
"Thank you,won't you want it back?" Stanley holds it down
"No,you can keep it. I won't need it back." He gives a soft smile
Stanley wipes off the dirt to the best of his ability and shoved the handkerchief in his pocket.

The narrator turns around as he hears some kind of music "Stanley what's that?"
"Ice cream machine!" Stanley gets up grabbing the narrators hand dragging him towards it.
"What flavour do you like 'narrator''?"
"Vanilla will do just fine. I might try other flavours later on in my life anyway"
"One vanilla and one chocolate please!" Stanley puts money on the counter
The guy at the counter hands Stanley two ice creams,Stanley proceeds to hand the narrator the vanilla one before walking to a clearing.
"How should I?" He looks at it and to stanley.
"You just lick it." Stanley shrugs
The narrator puts the ice-cream to his mouth and licks the ice cream before making a weird face.
"Its so cold on my tongue how can you guys do this all the time!" He goes back to lick it again because it's the narrator why wouldn't he.
"Well we just like the taste so we eat it alot despite the temperature. Seems like you also like the taste" he starts eating his aswell.
"It does taste nice and i always wanted to try some." He smiles at Stanley.

Stanley nearly finished his but nearly fell over,his ice-cream falling onto the floor. The narrator looks at Stanley stifling a chuckle.Stanley takes this as a challenge and steals the narrators ice cream.
"Stanley!" He sighs in defeat "Stanley just be careful next time because I won't catch you then I'll laugh"
"Your ice cream tastes better then mine."
"Maybe I just got a better flavour"  the narrator laughs.
"Maybe. Regardless yours is mine now." He holds it towards his chest.
The narrator laughed just nodding "go ahead. I can buy some later on anyways."
"-but then I'd feel bad."
"You paid for both. Rightfully what you pay for is yours." He puts a comforting hand on Stanley's shoulder and gives it a little pat.
Stanley then bites the Ice-cream to finish it "what did you just-" he takes a deep breath "did you just bite a ice-cream!?"
"Glad I annoyed you and probably everyone in this park" he gives a little grin.
"Stanley I am shocked you'd do such a thing. Wouldn't that freeze your throat or something?"
"Nope I'm fine right now aren't I?" He looks up at the narrator

The narrator walks over to a side area with Stanley chasing behind but as he reaches where the narrator perched,which he was leaning on a fence, Stanley trips.
The narrator catches him "nearly fell over once and now this,twice one day? You cannot stay on your feet can you,my dear?"
"Did you just call me dear?-"
"Yes,I called you dear. It's a normal thing I call people I'm close to. Shouldn't you be charmed!"
"Whatever.- I really need to stand up now you know?"
"Or I could hold you here that way you don't be clumsy again,your choice"
"Let me be clumsy-" the narrator lifts him perfectly to his feet
"Here you go. Nice and stable. Let's keep it that way"
"Of course 'dear'" Stanley does air quotations trying not to laugh
"Are you trying to tease me. You just look funny doing that Stanley." He chuckles.
"Hey! How do I even annoy you" he huffs a little.
"You will never know I suppose" he gives a little humm.

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