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(You all. I swear. 2K views. The implication chapter getting to y'all. I will give in. I will upload your smutt chapter. Smh.Oh and sorry this took a while I felt like shit.Also credits to KaiLovesGayOldMen for pretty much writing 99% of the Smutt so if not for him you wouldn't have this. Oh and keeping me motivated 😭)

Stanley got up from the Narrators arms giving him a little shake awake and ruffling his hair a little. The narrator sits up holding his head softly looking up at Stanley. Stanley smiles before walking over to the window and gently opening the curtains to look at the weather outside, revealing a puddle ridden road and a deep grey crowd of clouds.
"It's raining, we would be better staying inside." Stanley turned to face the narrator.
"I think we can still do things that are fun " the narrator points at a few games
"Yeah I think your right,love you" Stanley smiled.
"Even if not it shouldn't be a big problem anyways. There's lots of things we can do inside other then those games. I think we should eat first though." The narrator stands up.
"You should probably change out yesterdays clothes though and I should too." Stanley points at his clothes and then the narrator's.
"Fair point" the narrator turns towards the door to his room,looking back at Stanley to smile.
Stanley smiles back before heading to his room to get changed.

Stanley softly took his top off looking at his wardrobe mirror as he picked a new shirt off, putting the one he took off in the hamper at the side.He then softly undressed his lower half softly changing with a minor grunt while pullings the trousers over his hips.He looks at the photos in his room of the Narrator,feeling a soft feeling of warmth within him. This was interrupted by Stanley forgetting he didn't have a belt on,so he leaned down grabbing it. Tightening it around his waist, leaving it rather tight.He looks at the door hearing the Narrator walking around.Stanley goes to grab the handle but stops walking to the corner and grabbing his apron folding it over his arm.He grabs his book from the top of the pile wanting to try something new. He then walks to the door handle finally opening it up the door giving it a small push open.

Stanley left to the kitchen walking rather slowly.He gets there looking at the cupboards before opening his book.
The narrator turned to face him with a warm smile "Took you a bit my dear"
He turned to a page on making fresh pancakes "yeah I just had to grab a few things that's all! Just wanted to try something new" he looked at the ingredients before grabbing them and laying them messily on the counter.
Stanley turned his head towards the Narrator watching him reading at the table.Stanley watched the Narrator for a while before changing his focus back to the book.Stanley mixed a the ingredients together making the mix. He put the mix by a pan his grip softening and leaving the mix bottle.
"Stanley are you alright?" The narrator looks concerned at Stanley.
"Yeah I-. I'm fine." Stanley crossed his arms, softly tugging at his skin while biting his interior lip roughly.
"If you need help,I'm here remember that" The Narrator turns back to his book not wanting to pressure Stanley.
Stanley looks at the floor before looking back up at the narrator.

Stanley left the kitchen walking towards the sitting area.The narrator gazed up from his book as Stanley got closer to him, he puts his hands around the narrators neck and sits on his lap.
“I-what- Stanley? Oh my dear, what are you doing?” The narrator puts his book down on the table and Stanley kisses him.
The Narrator relaxes into the kiss as Stanley unties the narrators tie then ties his hands behind the chair while still kissing him.
He takes a breath ”Is this some kind of.. punishment for me last night??
Stanley leans closer whispers a “yes...”
The narrator"..I didn’t expect you to be into this kind of play.”
  stands up, one hand still behind the narrators neck, the other hand running down to the narrators pants, putting his hand on his crotch feeling that its already hard.

“Woah, I didn’t expect YOU to be into this type of play.”
The narrator tries to hide his face but Stanley's hand stroking his dick made him arch his back and throw his head back.  He was needy, whimpering, moving his hips to get more of Stanley's touch. Stanley stopped leaving the narrator huffing. He sat down on him again and started teasing him, bouncing up and down. Seeing the narrator so needy was such a turn on. Stopping from his motion, Stanley leaned over and he unbuckled the narrators belt and stripped off his pants, then he took off his own.
"Wait, Stanley, you haven’t been loosened up, It will surely hurt, it wont be good if I’m the only one feeling pleasure?"
Stanley ignores him but then he felt a pair of hands stop him. 'What? When did you..." "A long time ago, I wanted to let you be in control because this would be the last time you are, but if you’re not willing to listen to me..

He grabs Stanley bending him over and lets go proceeding to insert a finger in Stanley's hole, then another one, prepping him. The other hand wrapped around his waist and The narrator begun kissing his neck, then biting it. Stanley just wrapped his hands around the narrators neck and bit on it to not let out any noises. After he was loosen enough, the narrator pulls his fingers out, then he grabs Stanley by his hips and helps him get on, he bites his bottom lip looking at Stanley arch his back and moan in pleasure. After Stanley adjusts to his size he grabs the narrators shoulders and starts moving up and down, riding him. The narrator garbs Stanley's hips helping him move. Stanley hoped this moment would never end but from the amount of pleasure he was getting he couldn’t hold it anymore and came letting out a loud moan. The narrator kissed Stanley before he came as well.

(To be honest I feel like making the whole next chapter wholesome aftercare as I wanna write major fluff)

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