You are cute aren't you{P6}

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(Different friends art now,more of a non-human version though! Besides I'm back. Did y'all miss me!)

"Stanley what is it you are doing now" he looks confused.
"It is called posing." Stanley is laying on the sofa one arm on his hip the other behind his head.
"That is posing? That looks like trying to exercise and horribly failing. Or trying to seduce someone. Either of which is not posing."
"Seductive..posing is still posing." Stanley looks up at the narrator with a blank expression.
"I see- I guess I am a idiot really. Regardless Stanley who would you be trying to seduce. You already annoyed me enough to Letting you sleep on me yesturday." He looks down at Stanley.
"Uhm" Stanley sits up "Who am I letting live with me? Then answer who I would be trying to seduce."
"Me-....wait. Stanley what. Stanley what do you mean by this?-" He looks a little red out of embarrassment or anger.

"Well.. we have been getting on well and I feel I know you more and remember some weird things that I never experienced but you were there and-. I don't know what I was trying"
"You remember the other world...Stanley,my dear I didn't think you'd ever remember."
"I had weird dreams before I first heard you. But I never knew it was you if that makes sense.." Stanley sighs "I know you said we were friends but give me one chance,it just feels right."
"I..-I am honoured...but do you really like ME? i mean if you remember anything I'm sure I don't sound that pleasant to you.." he looks down.
"I. There were moments but all of that just seems part of you. Just please. Give me a chance." Stanley was practically pleading at this point.
"Even if this may be fast for you it's been a while for me Stanley. I've always felt a weird warmth for you. I suppose it's human love inst it? Well fine..I'll try dating out." He lets a big breath out "just don't hesitate to let me know anything okay?"
Stanley nodded very happy and ran in to give the narrator a hug,being returned with a gentle ruffle of his hair.
"This is very cute and all but I have to breathe now Stanley." The narrator let's out a small chuckle.

"Can I try something?." Stanley looks at his feet a little "something small I want to try."
"As long as it doesn't hurt you I'm sure I can try it Stanley,my dear." He shrugs looking at Stanley.
Stanley puts his hand on the narrators shoulder and gives him a kiss. The narrator is shocked at first but eventually leans in before Stanley pulls away.
"I-..." He looks shocked and puzzled "what.."
"I gave you a kiss..." Stanley smiles at the narrator
"Yes I know that. But I was surprised you'd want to kiss me of all people-"
"Because I feel close to you which I discovered was a long relationship of silence and you talking unable to express yourself to me. Which was well hidden love.-"
"You renembered so much and love me just as're a wonder Stanley..."
This was greeted with a small smile from Stanley but then the narrator toppled backwards onto the sofa with Stanley laughing on the floor.
"Tackled you! You seriously need to watch out for me"
"Of course. I should've expected that, while I was being dramatic you would tackle me" he sighs with a little pout,crossing his arms.

"Get up,get up" Stanley laughed while chanting this.
"Is this another tackle or what?" He sat up a little not fully getting up
"No,I just wanna laugh at the sounds you make while eating again besides you MUST be hungry" Stanley gets up himself
"Im funny normally but seriously the sounds I make when eating!?- your cooking is amazing that's all-"
"I made a sandwich."
"A good sandwich"
(Author.Joke: "I made a bucket" "a good bucket")
"Just get up besides I'll make something hot because it's rather early and I want a English breakfast." Stanley pondered the thought "Did I buy eggs?"
"Think so,if not I'll get some." He shrugged.
"I should probably check and you're coming with me anyway because just sitting there is not a option" he crossed his arms.
"Fine- fine I'll come to the fridge with you" he got up.
Stanley took his hand "I'm hungry let's go quickly" he dragged the narrator along.

Stanley urgently checked the fridge "We have eggs! Finally I can make one. I'm so hungry!"
"can I help with any of it?" He looked at Stanley as he gabbed the rest of the ingredients.
"Of course not. I make this every work morning If it's long. I'm skilled so sit your very fine self in a chair and wait" Stanley laughed.
"Of course. I see how it is. I'll sit my 'very fine self' over there." The narrator sits on the table by the kitchen
"On a seat narrator! My poor table." Stanley huffed as the narrator sat on a chair instead.
Stanley started cracking eggs when he saw the narrator just staring at him "2nd time I caught you staring,your turning out worse then me!" He laughed jokingly.
"Not compared to your like." Silent counting "8 times. I just wanted to see you cook so I could make it for you."
"Why are you being so sweet!" Stanley finishes plating the eggs and getting the bacon on.
"Well you're just cute aren't you? So why can't I be sweet." The narrator gave a small smile.
"I'm not that cute!" Stanley is just pro cheffing that bacon🥓
"Id have to on a personal level disagree with you Stanley,my dear. Regardless of what you think" he hums a tiny tune.
Stanley just finished up the meal because yes and served it.
"You know it already looks really good right?" The narrator looks up at Stanley.
"I'm glad you think so because you have to eat it aswell."

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