A small rivalry {P13}

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Stanley woke up, getting himself up and out of bed.He looked at his shift board he printed out,he was working today.He looked up at the light before turning it on walking over to the wardrobe before quickly getting changed and walking out.

To his surprise the Narrator was sitting at the table munching on yesterdays biscuits.
"Stanley,my dear if I'm right,you are at work today. I insist on coming along." He looks at Stanley clearly a lot more bright then yesterday.
"I mean sure,most of it will be spent coding, nothing interesting." Stanley shrugged.

Stanley put crumpets in the toaster,pulling the lever down and waiting patiently for it to ping. The crumpets came out and he sat them down carefully on a plate,buttering them then cutting them in half before walking over to the table (#TheTableLived).

The Narrator just laughed as Stanley got butter on his finger as be grabbed it from the top by accident. Stanley laughed a little himself before grabbing it by the side and eating it bite by bite, getting through the first two halves on his plate leaving two halves to go. He then finished those up satisfied he finished two crumpets (4 halves).

He then gets up to the door the Narrator following behind him watching as usual as Stanley struggles to open the door. The narrator let's out a low laugh before putting his hands around Stanley's hands helping him turn the key and getting the door open.

The two walk a while before entering the office building and stanley not going to his normal desk. Stanley sits at the desk just beside some person who has their back to the Narrator.Stanley taps them on the shoulder rather roughly and the person laughs a little before turning around.

"Took you a while" Fern grinned at Stanley feeling the narrators eyes their way.
"Sorry haha, I had to eat something first" stanley grinned "it's great the management moved us closer together."
"Agreed,I missed you when you were in that office all alone!" Fern gave Stanley a hug looking the narrator in the eyes with a stern look.
Stanley let's go with a laugh "We better get to work now we put our stuff down. I think we need to tidy the meeting room today."

Fern gets up offering a hand to stanley who takes it. The Narrator follows along silently the three walking through the left door towards the meeting room. The light hallways staying bland.

They arrive there,the board full of meaningless statistics from last week. Stanley walks to the board kneeling to grab a cloth off the ground before standing up. He got to work at one half of the board. Fern walked over looking over their shoulder at the narrator with a soft grin before turning to Stanley.
"Wanna see a small trick?" Fern smiles at Stanley which is returned by Stanley nodding "close your eyes".

As Stanley closed his eyes the board glowed a soft faded crystal blue before the board becoming a shining white. The narrator stared at the magic that he just saw from Fern.
The narrator mumbled softly to himself "What..How can you.."
Fern just let out a soft laugh letting the Narrator know he was heard before turning to Stanley "open your eyes."

Stanley looked at the board which was shiny clean "Woah."
Fern smiled before handing him a bottle "It's a new cleaner we got. You need to try it on the small board."
Stanley sprayed some on the small board,the ink fading away fast. The narrator knew that wasn't what Fern used but kept quiet.

"That is actually really cool,where did the company get this?" Stanley looked at Fern.
"From some company called 'Star cleaning'" Fern shrugged.
"I think I heard of them before their company is really expensive." He looks a tad bit shocked.
"Well our budget does increase when we are actually working hard,the other employees just mess about" They laugh.

The two head over to the other corner of the room.
Stanley turns to the narrator "Aren't you gonna come with us?" Stanley looks at him softly.
"I will just watch from afar. I have some things I like to keep eyes on" As Stanley turns around he gives Fern a sharp scowl.

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