Chapter 1: How it all started

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"No puedo esperar a ver a nuestra hermosa hija", The mother said. *I can't wait to see our beautiful daughter*Me either mi amor*my love* ", The father said. *Nurse walks in* "Are you ready ma'am to see your daughter ma'am?" Mother said with a big smile on her face and cheer in her voice,"Yes ma'am." *The nurse goes to get the baby from the hospital nursery* "Here you go ma'am", the nurse says handing her the baby. The mother says eagerly grabbing the baby",Thank you so much ma'am." The father looks into the baby's eyes with a warm smile and says", She has my eyes." "She has my nose", as she looks at the baby with an eager smile. "It's time to sign the birth certificate ma'am," the nurse says. "We don't have a name for her yet",the father says. "I'll choose the middle name and you can choose the first name", the mother says. The father gives the mother a warm smile and a kiss on the cheek. "I want her middle name to be Julieta, named after my grandmother", the mother says while looking into the baby's eyes. "I want her first name to be Diana named after my late mother",the father says with a smile. They write the full name on the birth certificate, 'Diana Julieta Hernandez'. Two days later, the mother and father get ready to go home. When they get home everyone has cooked and cleaned the house and when the mother and father walk into the door, they get a big surprise. "CONGRATULATIONS SELENA!", everyone screams in honor of the baby. "Cassidy and Travis are the first ones to run up to Selena and hug her. "Can I hold her please?", Travis says in a shy tone. "Sure you can, but be careful.", Selena said in a happy tone. "Cassidy was 6 at the time and Travis was 8 at the time. "What's her name aunt Selena?" Travis asks. "Her name is Diana sweetheart", Selena says while smiling. "Diana Diana Diana", Cassidy says. (Cassidy's parents, Travis' parents, and Diana's parents are a friend group)


                                                                             Chapter 1 ended

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