Chapter 17: Finale

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2 months go by and Dianna is secretly texting and calling Juan when Travis isn't around. Dianna is in a happier mood because of it. She woke up and went to the kitchen late at night and texted Juan. They had explicit messages with each other.

She went to wake the kids up and got them packed for summer camp. Travis sneaked behind her and kissed her cheek. The previous night he slapped her in the mouth. Lola texted her saying she was on the way to pick her up. Lola would pick her up so that she could meet up with him.

"I'll be back later baby", Dianna said while walking out the door. "And where do you think you're going?", Travis asked with a dirty look. "I'm going to the mall with Lola and Vickiee", Dianna said. "I'll be back tomorrow", Dianna said. "Tomorrow?", Travis asked with a shocked look. "Yeah, we're going on a short trip", Dianna explained. "No you're not",Travis said while walking towards her. "Yes I am, and you can't stop me, Travis", Dianna said while walking out the door.

Dianna got in the car, and Juan was in the backseat. "What took you so long?",Vickiee asked. "Travis was being a asshole", Dianna responded. "Well I'm glad he let you out", Juan said kissing Dianna on the cheek after. When he did that, it made Dianna blush a little. "You're blushing?", Juan asked. Dianna responded with a smirk,"No". "Mhm", Juan said knowing she was lying.

After they got back from the mall, they drove to Lola and Vickiee's house (2 cities over). They spent the night there for Vickiee's birthday party. They played music, they got drunk, and got in the pool. After that, they went to bed.

Travis was tracking Dianna's phone, so he knew exactly where she was. He drove to Lola and Vickiee's house. He grabbed his knife and walked to the front door. He picked the lock, and got in. Once he got in, he tiptoed upstairs quietly checking all the rooms. He found Dianna and Juan's room. He quietly walked in and locked the door. Travis walked up to Dianna and started strangling her. "LET ME GO",Dianna said struggling to breathe. "Who the fuck is this?",Travis said angrily. "NOBODY JUST LET ME GO I CAN'T BREATHE TRAVIS",Dianna yelled still struggling to breathe. "I don't care, you better tell-",Travis was cutoff by a sharp pain in his back. Juan had stabbed him. Travis removed the knife from his back. Seeing that Travis survived the stab wound, Juan quickly grabbed his gun, and shot Travis in the chest and head. "Are you ok, baby?",Juan asked while hugging Dianna. "I'm ok",Dianna said while tears rolled down her face. Dianna stood over Travis. Travis looked up at her and muttered his last words,"Th-this isn't". He paused for a minute, and then continued with,"isn't over". Travis's head then fell back. His eyes rolled in the back of his head, and passed away

Lola busted the door open. She turned on the lights and saw Travis's lifeless body on the floor. "That asshole is finally dead",Vickiee said with a relieved smile. "Call 911, Delores",Juan said. Lola picked up her phone and dialed 911. The call: Dispatcher- 911 what's your emergency? |Lola- My cousin just shot my friend's husband.| Dispatcher- What's your name, ma'am?|Lola- Delores Rodriguez | Dispatcher- Ok Delores, what's your address?| Lola- 910 Hilpert Road|Dispatcher- Would you like to stay on or off the line, ma'am?|Lola- off  The dispatcher hung up.

"So what do we do with him?",Vickiee asked. "We're going to leave him here until the police gets here",Juan responded. "So Di, he strangled you, do you have evidence that he did?",Juan asked. "Yes, I bruise quickly",Dianna said. "Let me see your neck, baby",Juan said. Dianna lifts her chin up to allow Juan to see the black and blue bruise around her neck. "Good, we have evidence of self defense",Juan said. 

The police came and put them all in handcuffs. They took them all to the police station for questioning. They all explained how Travis used to abuse Dianna. They all told similar stories about it. Dianna had evidence of Travis abusing her. She had videos, photos, voice recordings, and of course, the black and blue bruise around her neck. They were all let go and it was ruled as self defense.

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