Chapter 12: Temptation.

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3 months go by. Dianna is still living with Lola, and the 2 stank ass hoes are still together. Dianna gets a text message from Travis:






What do you want Travis???😒

I need to talk to you

You can't just take my child from me

You showed me that you didn't love me the day you cheated 

I have nothing to say to you


I miss you

She left him on read. "Are you ready for school?",Lola asked. "I can't find my purse",Dianna responded. "It's on the couch girl"Lola said. "Now get in the car so we can pick everybody else up." "Who are you picking up today?",Dianna asked. "Vickee, Luca, and Ángel",Lola responded. Dianna got a text from Travis. "Why is he still texting me?",Dianna asked. "Because you haven't blocked him yet",Lola said. "I don't want to, I still love him",Dianna. "Really, Dianna?",Lola asked. "What, I know I shouldn't but he just seems so sad",Dianna responded. "It's a trap, he's not actually sorry because if he was, he would've never cheated in the first place",Lola said. "I guess you're right",Dianna said with a unsure tone. 

Lola picks everyone up and they get to school. "So Luca, how have you and Diego been?",Ángel asked. "We're doing good, but we got in an argument last week",Luca said. "Why did ya'll get in a argument?",Katelyn asked.  "I thought he was cheating on me, but turns out he wasn't",Luca responded. "So were you going to take us to Brittany's party this weekend baby?"Vickiee asked. "No, you know that she likes me, and I don't have any interest in her",Lola responded. "Please, I really want to go",Vickiee said. "I said no, don't ask me again",Lola said. "Well, I'll just go by myself",Vickiee said. "Go ahead, I don't care",Lola responded. "I'm not going",Vickiee said. "Like I thought",Lola responded. "Katelyn, come over here real quick",Dianna said. "What's up?",Katelyn asked.  "Look, Travis has been texting me",Dianna said. "Well, are you going to give in to him or not?",Katelyn asked. "I don't know, I miss him but I don't know if I want to go back to him or not",Dianna said. "Di, don't do it he's just going to hurt you again",Katelyn said. "I guess you're right, Katie",Dianna said. "I am right",Katelyn responded. 

"Are you staying with me tonight baby?",Lola asked. "Yes, I need to get out of my father's house",Vickiee responded. "Ok, make sure you're ready",Lola said. "I don't have any clothes",Vickiee said. "Just wear some of mine",Lola said. "Let's go Dianna",Vickiee said. "Ok",Dianna said. Later on, they all get ready for bed. After Dianna put the baby to sleep, she went to sleep on the couch




Dianna are you awake???



I'm about to come over

A few minutes later the doorbell rings. Dianna goes to open the door. "Hey",Travis said. "What do you want?",Dianna asked. "I want you, I miss you I ended things with Mia",Travis said. "Bye Travis",Dianna said while trying to close the door. Travis held the door. "Wait, let me just talk to you",Travis said. "You have 5 minutes",Dianna responded. "Listen, I miss you and Key, I'm sorry for what I did and it will never happen again",Travis said. "Will you forgive me?" "Yes, but next time you do that I'm leaving you for good",Dianna said. "Ok, get your stuff",Travis said. Dianna packed her and Keylani's things and took them to the car. When they get in the car, Travis gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Let's go home",Travis said.

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