Chapter 10: Vacation

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Time goes by quick, and spring break gets here. All of the girls get packed to go to New Jersey. "Make sure you have everything mija",Lola's mom said. Lola walks outside with her bags. "MOM, YOU DID NOT!",Lola exclaimed with excitement. "A LIMBO?" "Yes, I rented it for the week",Angel (not Ángel) said. "Gracias hermano *thank you, brother*",Lola said. "Where do I stop next, ma'am?", the driver asked. "Carlton Ave, we need to go to 4 houses", Lola responded. They go to pick up Vickiee first . They stop to pick Dianna, Travis, and Keylani. Then they stopped to pick up Katelyn, and then Chole. "Where to next, ma'am?",the driver asked. "Manor St., please we need to go to 2 houses",Vickiee responded. Travis starts texting on his phone. "Who are you texting?",Dianna asked. "None of your business",Travis told her. "I was just asking, my bad",Dianna said. "Well don't ask again",Travis said with a sarcastic smile. They go to pick up Lucile, and Melissa.  "Is there anywhere I need to stop next?",the driver asked. "The last house we have to stop at is at Quickwell Hill",Chole responded. They go to pick up Ángel (not Angel). "Is that everybody ma'am?",the driver asked. "Yes ma'am",Lola responded. "Can I hold Key?",Vickiee asked. "Sure",Dianna responded

2 hours go by, they keep driving, and Travis gets a phone call. Phone call: Hello? Yeah, I'm on my way to New Jersey. What do you mean? I can't do that right now I'm with my girlfriend and her friends. No, I can't. Ok, I'll talk to you later. Bye. Phone call ends. "Who was that?",Dianna asked. "Why do you need to know?",Travis responded. "Because I'm your girlfriend, and I have the right to know",Dianna shot back. "Stop asking me, it's getting on my nerves",Travis responded. "Whatever Travis",Dianna said while rolling her eyes. "Dianna, Key is tired I think",Vickiee said. "No she only falls asleep if I'm holding her, she sometimes fakes being sleep so that she can go back to me",Dianna explained. "Oh",Vickiee responded. "Well were almost at the restaurant.",Lola said.

10 minutes go by and they get to the restaurant. After they get done, they go to the hotel. "Hello, how can I help you today ma'am?",the hotel receptionist asked. "Can me and her get a room",Vickiee asked. "Of course",the receptionist said. They get their key. "Hello, how can I help you 3?",the receptionist asked. "Can we get a room, please?",Dianna asked. Of course you can",the receptionist responded. "Can I help you 3",the receptionist asked. "Can we get a room, please",Chole asked. Once they all get in their rooms they get unpacked. Dianna gets a knock on her door. "Qué ha pasado? *What happened*",Dianna asked. "Nothing they have an indoor pool downstairs, you wanna come with us?",Vickiee said. "I'll stay and watch Mila",Travis said. All the girls get to the pool, and Travis gets Keylani so that they can take a walk down the hall then he sees this girl. "Excuse me, can you help me ma'am?",Travis shouted. The girl walked over. "What can I help you with?",she asked in a flirty tone. "I need help, I don't know how my key is supposed to work. I'll show you where my room is",Travis explained. "So what's your name?",Travis asked while looking her up and down. "I'm Mia, and you are?",Mia asked. "I'm Travis",Travis responded. "And who is this little princess right here?",Mia asked. "This is my daughter, Keylani",Travis responded. "But anyways how old are you beautiful?",Travis asked with a smile. "I'm 17, how old are you?",Mia responded. "I'm 23",Travis responded. They lock eyes for a minute. "Here you are, sir",Mia said while unlocking the door. She notices Dianna's suitcase. "Is that your girlfriend's stuff?",Mia asked. "Yes, she's at the pool right now with her friends, you want to come in for a bit?",Travis asked. "I can't, my friends are waiting for me",Mia responded. "Well, can I have your number?",Travis asked. She put her number in his phone and left

Travis gets a knock at the door, and it's Dianna. He opened the door for her, and she jumped in his arms. "So, what have you and Mila been up to?",Dianna asked. "I just rocked her to sleep",Travis responded. "Now that she's sleep, I have you all to myself",Travis said while pulling Dianna in closer. "I have to take a shower first, I have chlorine on me baby",Dianna responded. "Why do you always do this",Travis asked. "Do what?",Dianna asked. "Your being distant",Travis explained. "How, I just have to shower because there's chlorine all over my body",Dianna shot back. "You are so selfish",Travis responded. "And how exactly am I 'selfish' Travis?",Dianna asked. "You know what just don't talk to me for the rest of the night",Travis said. "You know what, I'll take a shower in the morning baby",Dianna responded. "Good, now let me love you",Travis said while cupping Dianna's cheek.

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