Chapter 9: The new girl

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(When I read this shit to my self it sounded cringey as fuck anyways enjoy.) "Are you ready to go Dianna?",Travis asked while grabbing the keys. "I can't find my backpack",Dianna said. "It's in my truck now come on",Travis said while walking out. Travis gets to her school and Dianna kisses him on the cheek before leaving. Dianna gets to her class and  sees her group. "Do you got the answers to the homework from last night?",Dianna asked. "Just pick random answers that's what I did",Lola said. "Everyone sit your asses down",the teacher said while walking in. "Everybody take out your homework from last night so I can grade it." "Lola",Dianna said in a frustrated tone. "What he never grades homework",Lola said. "Well, I am now",the teacher said overhearing her. The teacher gets a knock at the door."Victoria, get the door",the teacher said. "Ok",Vickiee said. "Is this Mr. Smith's class?",the girl asked while looking at her schedule. "Yes, it is",Vickiee said. ""Come here",the teacher said. "Victoria, go show her where to sit",the teacher said. "Ok",Vickiee said. "So this is the table where we all sit",Vickiee said. "This Katelyn, my girlfriend Lola, Chole, Lucile, Luca, and Melissa",Vickiee said while pointing at them. "We all hang out together cause we're the only hispanics in this school",Vickiee continued. "Hi, I'm Ángel",Ángel said in a nervous tone. "My brother's name is Angel too",Lola said.

The bell rings for 3rd period. "Who's next on your schedule?",Dianna asked. "Mrs. Litch",Ángel replied. "Me and Lola have the same class, you can sit with us",Dianna said. "Everybody take out your textbooks, and Ángel I'll give you one",Mrs Litch said. "Ok",Ángel said. The lunch bell rings. "What was that bell for?",Ángel asked with a confused look. "We have a lunch bell",Lola responded. "Lunch bell?",Ángel asked. "Ya'll didn't have a lunch bell at your old school?",Lola asked. "No",Ángel said. "Everyone go to lunch",Mrs. Litch. "LOLA, DIANNA, AND ÁNGEL COME HERE",Chole yelled from across the lunchroom. They walk over to the table. "So Ángel this is where we seat everyday",Lola said. "Ok",Ángel said. "Can ya'll put your numbers in my phone",Ángel continued. They all put their phone numbers in. "We're going to add you to the groupchat too",Katelyn said. "Ok",Ángel replied. "OH MY GOD YA'LL",Luca yelled out. "What happened?",Lola said with a look of shock. "HE SNAPPED ME BACK",Luca yelled again. "What did he say?",Dianna asked eagerly. "He asked if I wanted to meet him at the football field after school",Luca said excitedly. "Who are we talking about?",Ángel asked confused. "We're talking about Luca's soon to be boyfriend Diego",Vickiee said with a smirk. Dianna gets a text from Travis


Travis- Dianna

Travis- Answer me

Travis- Istfg if you don't answer me

Dianna- srry my phone was on dnd bebé

Travis- 'sorry' isn't gonna fucking cut Di

Travis- just wait until you get home

"Hold on, I'll be right back; I have to call Travis",Dianna said

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"Hold on, I'll be right back; I have to call Travis",Dianna said. Dianna runs to the bathroom and calls Travis: (Travis)Why weren't you fucking answering me when I called you? (Dianna) Bebé, I was in class. (Travis) I don't give a fuck where you were or what you were doing ; when I call you , you're supposed to answer the goddamn phone. (Dianna) Travis, I can't go to the bathroom every 5 seconds just to call you. (Travis) I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, YOU ANSWER ME WHEN I FUCKING CALL YOU! You know what, I'll deal with you when you get home. (Dianna) What do you mean by that bebé? (Travis) You'll see. Travis hangs up. Dianna runs back to the cafeteria. "Ok, I'm back",Dianna said. "Quick question Dianna",Ángel said. "Who is Travis?",Ángel asked. "Oh, Travis is my boyfriend",Dianna replied. "Oh; who's class is he in right now",Ángel asked. "He's 23, and they have a kid together named Keylani",Lola said. "What did you two talk about anyways?",Vickiee asked. "He just got a little upset at me because I didn't answer the phone when he called me",Dianna said. "Toxic",Luca blurted out. "No he's not",Dianna said. "Anyways, everyone come to my house after school",Lola said. "Ángel you're coming too, right?",Vickiee asked. "Yeah, let me tell my mom",Ángel replied. 

School ends and they all ride the bus to Lola's house. "Mom I'm home", Lola said. "Hola mija",Lola's mom said. "And who might you be?",Lola's mom asked while looking at Ángel. "This is our new friend Ángel, she just moved here mom",Lola explained. "Well, it's nice to meet you Ángel",Lola's mom said with a smile. "So my room is on the 3rd story, and there's about 3 guest rooms on the 2nd story, and each room has a bathroom with a shower, a tub, a sink, and of course a toilet",Lola explained to Ángel. "How many stories are their?",Ángel asked with a shocked look on her face. "3",Lola said. "Her mom makes a lot of money",Vickiee said while hugging Lola's mom. "I'm home mama",Angel(not Ángel) said. "I thought you were coming home next month",Lola said with a confused look. "No I said this week, they said we have to clean out our dorms and go home, and they have to see who's going to graduate this year",Angel explained. "Hey gir-",Angel paused. He continued,"Delores, who is this?" "Hi I'm Ángel, I just moved here",Ángel(not Angel) said. "It's nice to meet you, we have the same name!",Angel said eagerly. "You're right, but it's pronounced differently",Ángel(not Angel) said with a nervous smile. "Lola, can I spend the night with you and Vickiee because I'm scared to go back home",Dianna asked. "You know where your room is",Lola said. "And I know where OUR room is",Vickiee said with a smirk. "Lola can you and Vickiee take me home my mom is waiting for me",Ángel asked. "Can I drive this time Lo?",Vickiee asked. "Yeah, go get my keys",Lola responded. "Let's go girls",Lola said. "What's your address Ángel?",Vickiee asked while focusing on the road. "It's a tan house with 2 stories; it's right around the corner",Ángel replied. "Are ya'll coming to school Monday?",Ángel asked. "Yes, we are",Vickiee said. "All of us are going on a spring break trip next month, do you wanna come with us?",Lola asked. "I have to ask my mom",Ángel replied. "Bye guys",Ángel said. "Bye",Vickiee responded.

"Mom, I'm home",Ángel said while running upstairs. She goes to her mom's room to tell her about her day. "Mom I have a new group of friends!",Ángel said eagerly. "That's good sweetheart, make sure you shower and get ready for bed",Ángel's mom said. Ángel showers and gets ready for bed. She gets a phone call from her friend from her old school. (Ángel) Hey Aaliyah. (Aaliyah) Have you made any new friends yet? (Ángel) Yeah, there's this group of friends, and I instantly became friends with all of them. (Aaliyah) That's cool, but today at school I got my phone took and my mama had to pay to get it back. (Ángel) Damn, I'm so glad I got out of Florida. (Aaliyah) You better be. (Ángel) Anyways good night Liyah, I'm about to go to bed. (Aaliyah) Good night girl, me and Cora miss you girl! (Ángel) I miss ya'll too. (Aaliyah)Elijah asked me where were you today and I told him that you moved and he asked me if I could put you on with so I gave him your snap! (Ángel) REALLY???? (Aaliyah) I'M BEING DEADASS! (Ángel) He just added me. (Aaliyah) Well, add him back bitch. (Ángel) I did Liyah. (Aaliyah) Damien still thinks we still together cause he keep calling me 'bae' and shit. (Ángel) Didn't he call you a hoe? (Aaliyah) Yes, and he thinks I still wants him. (Ángel) Oh my god, I need to go to sleep it's 12 in the morning. (Aaliyah) It's the weekend though. (Ángel) I'm tired anyways. I'll call you everyday, ok girl? (Aaliyah) Alright, I'll come to visit this summer. (Ángel) Can you spend a week? (Aaliyah) Sure, I want to meet your new friends too. (Ángel) Ok Liyah, bye. (Aaliyah) Bye bye. "I'm going to miss that girl",Ángel said to herself.

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