Chapter 13: Surprise?

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"Wake up",Travis said while kissing Dianna. "What time is it?",Dianna asked. "10:00",Travis responded. "Now get up, I made breakfast" Travis kissed Dianna again then, Dianna got up and walked to the kitchen to sit down. Once she sat down Travis kissed her all the way down to her thighs. He was about to....... but then Keylani started crying. "I'll go get her",Travis said. "Good morning",Travis said while smiling at her. "Are you ready for breakfast?",Travis asked. "What do you on your plate?",Travis asked while putting the baby in her chair. "What all did you make?",Dianna asked. "Pancakes,sausage,bacon,eggs, oatmeal,grits, and biscuits",Travis responded. "How long have you been up?",Dianna asked. "Since 7am",Travis said. "So what do you want on your plate, baby?" "Just give me 1 pancake,sausage, and eggs",Dianna said. "Damn, that's it?",Travis asked. "I'm not really hungry",Dianna responded. "Ok, well I'm about to go to my mom's house with Mila",Travis said. "Ok, I love you",Dianna said. "I love you too",Travis said.

Dianna gets a text message from Lola:


I'm about to come pick you up

Ok I'll be ready

"Hey",Dianna said. "We need to talk, get in the car",Lola said. "What is it?",Dianna asked. "Listen, you have to tell Travis",Lola said. "I'm not going to tell him",Dianna said. "He needs and deserves to know, it's his child",Lola said. "No he doesn't, not yet atleast",Dianna responded. "Your already 1 month, you have to tell him and I'll do it if I have to",Lola said. "If you're my friend you won't tell him",Dianna said. "Tell him, and tell him today",Lola said. "I'm not going to, he's being nicer to me and I don't want to mess that up, Lola",Dianna said. "Do you rather him find out on his own?",Lola asked. "No",Dianna responded. "Then tell him",Lola said. "Fine",Dianna said. "Thank you, now where do you want to eat at?",Lola asked. "I don't know, you choose",Dianna responded.

When Dianna gets back home, she goes to take a bath. After she gets done she washed the clothes. "Baby, we're back",Travis said. "Hey baby",Dianna said nervously. "Key fell asleep, I'm about to put her in her crib",Travis said. "Ok",Dianna said. "I bought some pizza, you want some baby?",Travis asked. "Yes",Dianna responded. "Here",Travis said. "Thank you",Dianna said. "You're welcome",Travis said. "Baby, I have to tell you something",Dianna said. "What's up?",Travis responded. "I'm pregnant",Dianna said. "What, how long?",Travis asked. "1 month and 2 weeks",Dianna responded. "Finally, Mila needs a sibling",Travis chuckled. "So you're not mad?",Dianna asked. "Why would I be?",Travis asked. "Give me a hug baby",Dianna said. "Now let's eat",Travis said while hugging her.

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