chapter 27

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"The Wedding."


The music in the room was round and filling. Sending a warm feeling up everyone's spine as they sat in the pews, waiting for the bride and groom. Up the altar already stood Benedict, given that he was Anthony's best man.

Down the aisle came Anthony, his body stiff as he walked. He knew this was it, as much as he wanted Kate Sharma it was his duty to his family to marry her sister.

And so he shall.

On the far left of the altar sat the queen in a golden chair. Anthony approached the woman before bowing deeply. "Your Grace." He muttered before taking his place at the alter, waiting for his bride to show.

And down the aisle came Miss Kate Sharma in a soft purple dress with a small bouquet of white roses. Anthony's stern expression softened as he looked at her, and she noted to herself to look just away from his gaze. After she went to her designated place, Katherine Buckingham, she wore a yellow-colored dress and she smiled proudly as she walked down the aisle.

Her head held high and she looked over at Benedict, who seemed to be looking just past her face, seemingly trying to find someone. Katherine looked confused before forcing a smile on her lips.

She then took her place beside Kate before Sabrina came in, she had an innocent grin on her face. She wore a dress similar to Kate Sharma's to match the theme of the wedding. She made her way beside her sister before eventually Hope sauntered in.

A smile grew on Benedict's lips as he watched her walk in, her hair cascaded down her back and her creme dress had diamonds sewn into the fabric. She walked down the aisle and she could see the smiles from the crowd, especially the Queen.

She walked up to the aisle and saw Benedict's expression. She smiled back at him before taking her place beside her sister.

The music softly changed, signaling that the bride was on her way. The people rose to their feet as Edwina and her mother walked down the aisle at last. The bride looked absolutely ethereal, her long white dresses glided behind her. Kate smiled softly at her sister.

Once Edwina got to the alter her mother passed her off to Anthony and the nearly married couple turned to look at one another.

"Please be seated." The archbishop said. Once everyone did so, he started:

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God, and in the face of this congregation, to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony. And therefore it is not by any to be enterprised, not taken in hand, unadvisedly, lightly and wantonly, to satisfy men's carnal lusts and appetites, like brute breasts that have no understanding..."

Benedict's eyes trailed towards Hope's face as she looked towards Edwina and Anthony. The alcohol currently in his system seemed to have affected his senses. His palms were sweating and he had sworn that Hope had on a different... dress.

Suddenly she was right before him. In a white dress with gold sewn into the fabric and a veil adorning her face. She had just the warmest smile on her face as she looked at him... at him?

She suddenly placed her gloved hand on his cheek and their noses touched. "I love you." She whispered. Benedict looked down at her in confusion, was he dreaming? Her lips inched towards his and he slowly leaned in forward.

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