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Minho and I took a slow stroll to the kitchen as he explained how most of the meals went. He said everyone would usually line up and grab a plate then sit down on make shift tables and eat for a while. He pointed at the large doors closest to where we were and began going on a long explanation about the closed doors.

"Those doors open every morning at six and they close at six. The Runners go out during the day and map each section of the maze then write it down in the map room. No one goes in the maze unless your a runner so don't even think about it." He finished with a warning.

"I'm thinking about." I said before I could stop myself.

"Well don't." He fought back.

"Telling me not to is just going to make me want to go out there even more." I said quickly as I jogged ahead in case minho was going to try and grab me.

"Your getting real comfortable around here aren't you." He said as he ran up to me.

"In some ways more than others." I said as I walked beside him again.

"Is it weird being trapped with a bunch of guys with no escape?" He asked as he slowed his step to make our walk longer.

"Well when you say it like that I guess it is weird." I answered truthfully.

"What about your name. Do you remember it?" He asked as he came to a stop.

"It's Margo. My name is Margo." I said as I kept walking not noticing that minho had stopped.

"Well Margo, you can stop walking now we're at the kitchen." He said to me as I realized he was a few meters behind me.

"Oh." Was all I said as I flushed with embarrassment and walked back to minho who was moving towards a window. I saw frypan looking out the window as a few people gathered.

He handed them large plates of delicious smelling food and suddenly my stomach rumbled. Minho pat me on the back as he laughed. My stomach must have rumbled quite loudly. He jogged up to frypan and he took two plates from him then came back to me.

"Here's dinner, you can chose where we sit." He said as he handed me a plate. I took it and looked around at the glade. There was a bonfire where many were gathering. Most people were loudly running around the fire pretending to throw their friends in the flames.

"Come on greenie your our guest of honor." Newt said in his accent as he pat me on the back roughly.

I looked at him then at minho with concern in my eyes. I didn't really want to go near the mess of boys and it was clear minho and newt got the message.

"We can sit a bit aways from them, I don't really like being in the thick of it either. I wouldn't put it past 'em to come and try to talk to you though." Minho said as he sat on a chair and pulled over another one for me to sit on.

I sat down and dug into the plate of chicken and cooked vegetables frypan and the cooks had made. It was sort of bland which made me wonder if they had salt here or they just didn't have taste buds.

"Do you guys have salt around here?" I asked after I swallowed a bite of chicken.

"I don't know I'm not a cook." Minho replied sassily as he laughed at my question.

"I'll take that as a no." I said as I shoveled another bite of chicken in my mouth.

"So greenie, this is your celebration why don't you come join us." A tall boy with crazy eyebrows said as he held out his hand for me to take.

"Margo's still eating gally." Minho said as he shoved gally's hand out of my face.

"So you remembered your name already." The boy said as he stepped closer forcing me to crane my neck to look at him in the face.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now