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"Margo I think it would be a good idea if we got everyone in the homestead." Minho said as calmly as he could.

"I think that's a great idea." I replied then ran off to a group of gladers shouting at them to get to the homestead.

I was running around for another ten minutes sending everyone to the homestead. Minho and I were the last ones to arrive there and we walked past the masses of gladers huddled together on the bottom floor of the homestead.

Minho and I went up the stairs to find Alby newt and Thomas in the hallway whispering. We were a little confused at first but wasn't surprised that a lot of the rooms were filled with people.

"Is my room full of people too?" I asked as the conversation slowed.

"Nah, we left your room alone." Alby answered and I opened the door gesturing for them to enter so they could camp there for the night.

Minho and I shoved the bed in the corner and sat on top of it while Alby took my desk chair and newt stayed standing. Thomas was hesitant to come in but once he did he sat in the corner and stayed quiet.

"What's up with the maze?" Alby asked targeting the question at Minho and I.

"First the sky turns gray then the grievers are ignoring us and jumping down that hole which has me asking how they're even getting back out if there's nothing to help them get out of there from the outside. And finally, the doors are wide open. We even tried walking in to see if they just wanted to trap us in for another night and they didn't budge." I said as I slowly began raising my voice in annoyance at all the changes.

"It's the girl. She changed everything." Newt said.

"I don't think she changed everything, I think she was the change and now everything that's happening is the creators just using her as the calm before the storm." I said back and the room filled with sounds of agreement.

"Gally's not even here and he's not in the glade either." Minho added.

"We don't know where he is. Wouldn't be surprised if he's dead cause that kids got Klunk for brains." Newt said and I couldn't help but laugh dryly.

"That may be true but he wouldn't go in the maze if he was trying to die and he puts up a fight. We know that from all the times he's almost beat Margo in a fight." Alby said.

"I think part of all of us wants him to be dead." I said bluntly as I stretched and leaned on the wall behind me.

"You can't say things like that Margo." Newt reprimanded but everyone could see him laughing.

"I just did. We were all thinking it, plus your saying that as your laughing so I'm not entirely sure you really care that I said that." I said as I pointed at him with a smirk on my face.

"Let the girl win man." Alby said and I glared at him taking my shoe off and throwing it at him.

"Stop bloody throwing shoes at people Margo." Newt tried to reprimand me again.

"And here we are live in Margo's bedroom where mama newt is trying to parent his Glader babies and failing miserably." Minho started. "Throw a shoe at him." He whispered in my ear and I pulled off my other shoe as the room filled with protests.

"You guys gang up on everyone like they want to kill you." Alby complained as he threw the shoe back at me, missing my head.

We were all laughing until Thomas got to his feet and tilted his head towards the window in my room and shushed everyone. There was a rustling sound outside and we all hurried to the window.

"The grievers are finally coming into the glade." Alby said in a low voice.

I hurried to turn out the lamp in the room then went back to the window. I could see much better now and there was a figure running out of the maze with the grievers behind him.

"Why did you turn the light out? now the grievers know where in here." Minho complained.

"Oh please, the creators are controlling those ding bats. The grievers could be blind and def and still know exactly were we are." I said as I pulled the curtains over the window so I didn't have to look at what was happening.

The five of us stood in the middle of the room together with our hearts beating out of our chests. Half of us were staring at the window while the rest of us watched as the door shook upon impact of the grievers slamming into the building. A few screams were heard and a door was slammed closed. I was shaking now. I had been in confrontation with grievers before but it always terrified me more when other people were in trouble.

We all jumped when my door was thrown open revealing gally standing in the doorway looking like a maniac. He marched into my room and shoved all of us out of the way moving towards the window.

"No gally!" I screamed at him as he tore the curtains off the wall and began ripping boards off the wall.

Newt and I both tried to restrain him but he threw back a board he managed to rip off the wall and it hit newt in the head making him fall unconscious on the bed. I also got thrown back but I only got launched into the door and was fine for the most part.

"There coming. One a night till there all gone. One a night." Gally said as he opened the window.

Newt had regained a bit of conceousnes at this point and we were all backed up at the door as a griever climbed up a wall and tore almost my entire wall off. The griever reached in and grabbed gally pulling him into it's slimy body. It was still hanging on the wall engulfing him when the griever must have caught a look at something and reached at my notebook.

In the nick of time I caught the book and was now playing a very unfair game of tug of war. I was dragged to the edge of the room where I was now standing on the wall screaming as I refused to let go of all the information I had written in that book.

Minho had tried to help me but it was too late and the griever made one last tug flinging me out of the room and jumping off the wall rolling back to the maze leaving me flying through the air without my notebook.

I tumbled to the ground and had to have rolled about fifty feet before I stopped. I had no idea how I was still conceous. I picked myself up and rested on my knees as I heard panting behind me. I turned around and saw Minho behind me.

"Are you made of metal or something how are you fine right now." He said shocked as he pointed at the homestead.

"Holy shuck!" I shouted as I looked at how far away it was from where we were.

"Yea, holy shuck is right, now we've gotta go catch up to those grievers and see where there takin' gally." He said and he pulled me to my feet and I flinched.

"I may not be broken but Im bruised up so be careful." I said as he let me go and we began running straight into the maze in the same door the grievers came and went in.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now