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"What happened to the map room?" I asked as I saw smoke coming off of it.

"Don't worry about it. I've been waiting at the door all night so we should go catch a few hours of sleep before we go check the damages." He said as we arrived at the homestead.

"Is anyone awake?" I asked again.

"Only a few people. It's pretty early though and we're gonna let everyone sleep in cause of what happened last night." He answered.

Minho carried me upstairs into my room where Thomas and newt were. They were asleep but soon awoke when we entered. Newt took one look at my leg and imedeately rushed out of the room to get Jeff. I felt so exhausted that I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I felt a steady breeze draft into my room and I was confused at first because the glade didn't have any wind in it then I remembered it was probably someone opening and closing my door.

Seconds later i felt cold hands on my leg then a fiery liquid pouring over my ankle. I flinched and tried to retract my leg but multiple sets of hands held me down on the bed. Distant voices accompanied them. I heard newt Minho and Thomas as well as Clint and Jeff. They continued poring the liquid on my leg and I was trying not to scream but instead my entire body was tensing up making my shake from soreness.

"Stop man, I think she's had enough." I heard Thomas say as the hands lifted off of me and I relaxed.

"Margo did you get stung anywhere?" Jeff asked and I nodded back and forth to tell them that I hadn't.

"Just wrap her leg already." Minho said sounding annoyed.

"It doesn't need wrapping it's just a little raw from getting gripped." Clint said as I heard something clicking.

"Then let's let her bloody sleep already." Newt said as I heard many sets of quiet footsteps leaving.

"Minho." I called out.

"I'm staying." He said softly, close to my ear.

"They tried to drag me with them." I said just before I fell back asleep. I didn't hear see or feel anything after that.

When I woke up a few hours later Minho wasn't the and there was loud commotion coming from the outside. When I peeked through the hole in my wall I saw a group of the builders were patching up the walls below me where the grievers tore into it trying to climb up to my window.

I felt sore and bruised up still but I was well enough to step out of the homestead and walk around hoping to maybe eat something before I went to find everyone. On my way there I ran into Thomas and minho who were standing over Alby.

"Is he dead again?" I asked as I joined them.

"Uh...yea. yea, he's dead again. But he's still breathing so he's not dead?" Minho answered.

"Lovely diagnosis." I said sarcastically as I slapped Alby across the face and his eyes shot open.

Alby started saying something inaudible but I got distracted with the smell of smoke and started running in the opposite direction. I'm sure I looked like newt when I was running right now because of my injured leg but the smoke smell only increased. Minho newt and Thomas came after me and I threw the heavy door open to find the entire thing scorched from the inside out.

"The maps." Newt said worriedly as he looked at us.

"Is that bad?" Thomas asked sounding confused.

"Yes it's bad." Newt answered in a frustrated voice.

I looked at Minho and he nodded at me. I guess it was time to reveal that Minho and I saved the maps.

"It's not exactly bad." I said with a shrug as I leaned against the door frame.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now