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Over the next five minutes Minho was pretending to fight off the gladers as they dragged him closer and closer to the slammer. Newt and Alby were giving me weird looks but I continued to smirk as Winston hauled Minho over with a final tug.

I started laughing as I dragged newt as far as I could without him letting go of the slammer. I was getting close to Minho so I pulled newts hand into the action then grabbed Minho's wrist.

"Minho touch newt!" I shouted at him and he did exactly what I told him to almost imedeately.

Once they realized this Minho and I were already twenty feet away holding hands as we ran to the box hole at full speed.

"That worked to well." Minho said as we ran.

"What did you expect your a shuckin' genius." I replied and he looked at me with a look of surprise before he turned back.

"You get credit too."

"I know."

We had to dodge all the gladers who had caught up to us. We were so close to the box hole. Just fifty more feet. That was until gally stepped in our way. Then Chuck.

"Over chuck, under gally." Minho said and I nodded as we increased our speed.

We ran at full speed and leaped as high as we possibly could managing to jump just above the top of chucks head. Minho was coming down faster than I was and when we returned to the ground we heard a third thud hit the ground and I saw that Minho must have hit chuck in the head and his eyebrow was bleeding as he rolled on the ground.

"Down!" Minho shouted and I whipped my head back and slid across the grass behind Minho and underneath gally.

Just when I was about to make it to the box hole with Minho two arms wrapped around my torso and started pulling me away causing me to have to let go of Minho.

I thrashed in the arms of my captor until someone, probably Minho, launched himself at the person carrying me causing them to fall over.

I rolled to the ground and stumbled to my feet as Minho snatched my hand and we started running again.

A few feet later and we were at the box hole with our hands clasped together. I threw our hands up into the air then we both bowed and pretend to have an enthusiastic audience even though the real audience was groaning in defeat.

After a few minutes of victory Alby arrived at the box hole and reluctantly congratulated us for our easy victory.

"So what do you two want this time?" He asked in exasperation.

"We want to be the king and queen of the glade for a week." Minho announced.

"What are your conditions?" Alby asked.

"We don't have a bedtime and are allowed to raid the kitchen whenever we want." I said and Minho nodded.

"Oh and everyone has to call me king Minho and has to call her queen Margo." Minho added.

"You guys pick that every time. Try being more original." Gally said as he entered the conversation.

"We know what we want." Minho said as a smirk grew on his face.

"Fine then. Your term starts now." Alby said as he clapped loudly and left us.

I looked back and saw that chuck was still laying on the ground. He was moving but I imedeately ran over to him to make sure he was okay.

"Chuck? Are you alright?" I asked as I rolled him over and sat him up to see the entire left side of his face was smeared with dirt and blood from the wound on his eyebrow.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now