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"Margo we got a new greenie!" Chuck called to me excitedly as Minho and i returned from the maze.

"Is he ugly?" I asked excitedly as I gave chuck a hugh five then a fist bump using a small made up hand shake.

"Who's this?" A boy I thought I recognized but had never seen around said.

"This is Margo, isn't she pretty, she's the only girl and all the gladers like h-"

"That's enough chuck." I said as I covered his mouth and smiled apologetically at the greenie.

"I'm thomas." He said with a smile. The greenie wasn't bad looking at all but Minho would forever be the hottest glader around.

"Well it's nice to meet you but I've gotta bounce." I said as I jogged off. I think I've seen that kid in some of my dreams. The ones I had during the changing maybe he looked older than I remembered but he had a memorable face.

When I got to the map room Minho was already working on the map and there were a few other runners in the room mapping too. I went to the back and started putting everyone's weapons away for them while they wrote everything down.

I was excited for the bon fire tonight because it was going to be the first time anyone would get to hear me play the guitar. I had spent the last two years asking for a karaoke machine but the best I had gotten was a guitar and I had finally mastered it enough to play campfire songs. Speaking of campfire songs I had also written one a while ago that we often sang to cristen the greenie. I wrote the song as a warning more than anything else though and the greenies usually got scared afterwards.

"Margo?" Minho asked in a whisper over my shoulder.

"What's up?" I asked as I turned around to face him.


"Then why did you ask for me?" I questioned with a confused look on my face.

"I don't know." He said with a goofy grin on his face.

"Are you done mapping yet?" I asked making this conversation have a point.

"Yea. Oh, I remember now! I ran out of hair gel this morning and was wondering if you had some." He said almost jumping up and down.

"Yea it's in my dresser." I answered with a laugh as Minho gave me a look and rolled his eyes.

I usually gelled back my hair when we ran in the maze to keep it out of my face so I actually had a reason to put gel in my hair unlike Minho. Both of our hair had gotten much longer than when we arrived at the glade. I had given Minho hair cuts before but he always insisted on keeping the top longer so he could style it.

I left the map room a little while later and saw that they had started up the bonfire. There was a burning man in the middle of the flames made out of hay and sticks and many of the boys were jumping around it throwing flaming sticks at it.

I went to the homestead and changed into a pair of leggings and a hoodie then I grabbed my guitar and went to go eat dinner with the gathering gladers.

By the time I arrived and got my food Minho and the other runners, who I usually sat with, were eating in a secluded spot. I sat down next to Minho on a log and began eating. I looked over and saw newt was talking to the greenie and chuck was sitting with them but shoveling food in his mouth instead of talking.

Once I finished my food I got up and took my guitar to an empty picnic table and stood on top of it. I played a few cords and everyone went quiet  so that I could begin playing my campfire song.

"Alright. I wrote this song myself and it's a true story so don't make the same mistake I did. It's a call and response so whatever I say you'll repeat. You'll know when the chorus is." I said as I began playing a tune. Everyone started clapping along since they knew what was coming.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now