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It was the next day and I had gotten up early to get ready to run the maze. Minho and I were now by the north doors stretching for our run. We already packed lunch in our bags and I had chosen my weapons to take into the maze. I had a machete and a dagger sheathed in my vest. I was wearing the black shorts again but I taped up my legs so they wouldn't chafe.

"Five minutes till we head out." Minho said as we both repositioned ourselves to a proper standing position.

"I'm about to get in the best shape of my life." I said as I bounced up and down to get my heart ready for the day of running.

"Your already in good shape thats partly why you'll be so good at this job." Minho complimented which I admit surprised me.

"Why thank you." I said as I flaunted around like I had just won a beauty contest.

"Come here." He said aggressively as he grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder and began moving towards the maze as the doors open.

"No Minho! Let me walk on my own!" I shouted at him as I hit him in the back repeatedly.

"Stop hitting me!" He shouted back.

"Just because you can throw me over your shoulder doesn't mean you can just grab me whenever you want!" I shouted directly in his ear making him wince and put me down quickly. "That worked." I said as i brushed imaginary dirt off my hands.

"Your a shank you know that." He said as he shoved me so hard I lost my footing and fell on the ground.

"The shank of all shanks since day one my friend." I said as I got up and pat him on the shoulder.

"Well you did come up with the lingo." He said casually.

"How did you know that?" I asked in an accusatory tone.

"So it was you!" He shouted at me and jumped with victory.

"Answer my question." I commanded as my face went warm.

"I've been getting weird dreams ever since you arrived in the glade. You even kissed me in one I had the other night." He said more to himself then me.

"Should I kiss you again." I asked in a sarcastic tone to tease him.

"Don't get me excited we have to start running soon." He said as he rested his hands on his hips and tilted his head as he smiled at me.

"Woa, that's definitely not where I meant for this to go." I said as I backed away from him.

"Maybe when we get back?" He suggested.

"Oh look it's time to go. Let's get running." I said as I ran into the maze with Minho running after me.

"Is this what rejection feels like?" Minho asked himself.

"Yes!" I called back to him and he just groaned and caught up to me as he took the lead.

After about an hour of following Minho through the maze he stopped us to take a break. I leaned against the wall as Minho stood in front of me and caught his breath. I wasn't breathing super hard but it was nice to catch a break.

"How ya Feelin'?" He asked after a few minutes of silence.

"It's hard to pin point the exact emotion but it's something like I feel like I'm dying but im happy about it." I explained as I shielded my eyes from the sky.

"Ah, physical exertion." He said as he waved his finger at me and hung his other hand on his running vest.

"Yep. Didn't think that was an emotion but I'm not gonna question it." I said as I pushed myself away from the wall and stood close to him.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now