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The next day I was up and ready by the time Alby walked out of the homestead and over to the slammer to get Thomas out. I walked beside him since he had my key still and I wanted it back. He pulled the keys out of his pocket and handed them to me when we got there. I told him to wake Thomas up by kicking the side of the slammer while I unlocked it.

Thomas screamed and I reached into the slammer and slapped my hand over his mouth to shut him up.

"Move over I wanna talk to him." Alby said and I quickly moved out of the way.

"What?" He asked. He clearly looked like he was still waking up.

"I want ta tell ya what I saw in the changing. Hopefully Margo'll tell you what she saw too." He said as he leaned over the slammer standing over Thomas' curled up body.

Thomas didn't say anything and just got up and walked out of the slammer over to the kitchen we're breakfast was being served. Alby and I made suspicious eye contact before we followed Thomas who went to get his food.

"Alright greenie, normally shanks are too scared to say anything 'bout what they saw but I'm gonna tell you. I stared getting memories and I saw you and the girl." Alby said simply.

"I saw you guys watching over the rest of us like we were your lab rats and as much as I hate it I have to believe that you somehow worked for them." I stated.

"Anyway you and Margo need to go get Minho up so you can go get ready for runnin'." Alby said as he stood up and left.

I followed after and stood up expecting Thomas to follow me as I walked into the kitchen. I kicked the door open and was pleased to see Minho standing there packing his lunch.

"Good morning you handsome shuck face." I said as I started making my lunch passing things to Thomas once I was done with them.

"Good morning you gorgeous slint-head." He replied with a laugh.

"Is that how people flirt around here?" Thomas asked stupidly and Minho and I dropped everything and burst into loud laughter.

"If you flirt with the other shebean like we do she'll probably start crying." I said through my laughter and that made Minho laugh even harder.

"Good to know." He said and Minho and I literally fell to the floor dying with laughter. This guy was so oblivious that it was literally killing us.

Once we were done making lunches Minho and I took Thomas to the map room. Minho explained everything about the maps to him while I went to the weapon room and got a few machetes and knives for us.

"Let's go get you something more suited for running." I said as I slammed the weapons on the table startling Thomas out of his seat.

Minho packed away his weapons then went to a storage closet packed with random junk. He pulled out an old vest that I remembered from a different Glader. He tossed the vest some pants and t-shirts at him.

"And these are runnie- undies. Make everything nice and snug while your runnin'." Minho said as he used the elastic of the underwear to shoot them at Thomas.

"Does she wear them?" He asked in innocently.

"Nah, I wear somthin' else." I answered as I winked at Minho making him blush madly to the point where he had to turn around to hide it.

"Let's get goin'. You can change then meet us out at the doors. Minho said as he finished giving Thomas his things.

"Dude, you forgot his shoes." I said as I shoved Minho out of the way to get to the sneakers. "Shoe size." I asked.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now