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I was running in the maze the next day with Minho. We talked last night about Ben. We both knew what was coming and we haven't really said much to eachother because we didn't want it to come up in conversation. Ben was a very close friend and no matter how stone cold Minho and I acted about it we were very sad about it all.

We were almost done running for the day and were about to stop for lunch when something caught both our eyes. When we back tracked and moved to get a better look at it we saw a lifeless griever in the middle of the maze.

"Is that thing dead?" I asked though I don't know how Minho would have known the answer.

"Well how would I know? It sure looks dead though." Minho answered and I scoffed as I rested my elbows on my knees and squinted my eyes to get a better look.

"I'm gonna throw somthin' at it." I said as I drew my knife and began swinging it around.

"Why?" He asked as he came beside me and sat in the same position.

"To see if it's dead, duh." I said as I got to my feet and positioned myself to throw the knife.

"Your a shuck faced slint head." He said as he backed away from me.

"What an honorable title to give your girlfriend." I said sarcastically as I threw the knife as far as I could.

"Shuck! I missed!" I shouted as I watched the knife land a few feet away.

"Dude it's like six feet off!" Minho said loudly as he laughed at me.

"Three at most." I said as I took a few steps forward.

"You gonna go get it?" He asked.

"Nah." I said as I walked back.

"Your gonna be a wuss?" He asked jokingly as he punched me in the shoulder.

"Yea I'll be a wuss to save my life, but if you don't get it your also a wuss." I said in a challenging tone.

"No." He said sternly.

"Wuss!" I called out to the maze as I cupped my hands around my mouth to magnify the volume.

"Your a wuss too!" He argued with me.

"I think the fact that I've almost died more than you proves I'm not a wuss." I said confidently.

"That's not something to be proud of." He said as he threw his hands in the air in exasperation.

"But I'm still alive." I pointed out.

"And I'm still hungry." He said as he walked off and left me there to catch up to him.

We walked for about five minutes before Minho stopped and sat on the ground getting his lunch out. I sat next to him a few inches away and he snaked his hand around me pulling me closer to him.

I just kept my eyes on my food and ate silently as Minho continued to hold his hand around my waist. I leaned my head on his shoulder as I finished up my sandwich and he leaned his head on mine in return.

"What do you think about everything that's goin' on?" He asked after a moment.

"Like with the girl arriving and ben attacking me and the greenie?" I questioned.

"Yea." He confirmed with a nod.

"Ive seen Thomas before in the changing. Ben saw him in the changing too. I'm sure gally saw him in the changing too but hasn't said anything. That's probably why he doesn't like him much. As for the girl I don't know much. It's weird that she's the last one though." I said and Minho nodded along.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now