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"Margo you've gotta get up we called a gathering!" Minho screamed in my ear.

"Shuck!" I shouted as I threw the sheets off of me and scrambled to my dresser. Minho must have carried me back to my room after I fell asleep.

"Watch your language, for shuck sake!" He shouted at me as he threw a pair of pants in my face and started to leave the room.

"Maybe you should look in the mirror then you won't be telling me to watch my shucking language." I said to him as I slammed the door.

"We don't have mirrors here." He called back.

"Maybe that's why your hair looks so bad." I said in an insulting tone.

"Hey that was a low blow. you've taken this too far." He shouted at the door.

"I'm not sorry." I said with a laugh as I finished getting dressed.

"You know what, your hair's no better." He said trying to get me back for what I said but it had no effect on me.

"Oh no! How dare you. Take that back." I said sarcastically as I threw the door open and rested against the doorway to see Minho with a big grin on his face.

"Ya know I think you got more sassy since the changing." He said as he stepped aside to lead me to a different room in the homestead.

"Sass is my defense and sarcasm is my weapon." I said as I bumped shoulders with him as I walked past.

"Couldn't have said it better myself." He said proudly as he held a door open for me.

The room was full of people for such a small area and there were a circle of chairs. The room went silent and everyone sat down in there chairs upon our entrance. My eyes landed on newt who had already been sat down. He had a large cast on his leg and he looked like he had just woken up.

I rushed to his side and he sat up as I gave him a big hug and sat in the seat beside him. He didn't seem to want to let go quite yet so I held him close as I rubbed his back gently.

"Margo?" He asked suddenly.

"I'm here." I answered.

"Why did you go into the maze after me?" He asked softly because the room had become completely silent.

"You left your hoe behind and Minho said you weren't supposed to be running the maze for a while. I was worried so I ran after you." I answered as he pulled away from the hug.

"Okay what really happened here? We need to know exactly what happened." Gally interrupted.


"Stand in the middle." Gally interrupted again and I gave him a death glare as I stood up and moved to the middle.

"After newt ran into the maze I grabbed his hoe and ran after him. When I found him he was laying on the ground with his leg snapped into three pieces. I used the hoe and my shirt to create a splint then I carried him out of the maze while he gave me directions. I had to start running when we got close to the glade because we ran into a griever. I have a hard time playing out the details after that." I explained.

"She moved her arm to block my side so I wouldn't get stung!" Newt called out.

"I don't remember that." I said in a confused voice.

"Well I bloody do. You saved my life twice in the span of three hours. You should be bloody celebrating." He said even louder this time.

I moved my hands to cup my head. I was trying to remember after that but all I could remember was screaming and falling.

CHEATING DEATH - A Maze Runners' Tale • 001Where stories live. Discover now