When She's In Love

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It was surprising how my mind changed so suddenly. It was like a conflicting pain in my brain. I was definitely not over our relationship, but how was I supposed to trust her? At the moment I don't know the full truth about them but I knew she was lying.

I had training tomorrow and I needed to sleep but instead of doing that, I was here. Sitting up staring in space, my mind clouded with thoughts about Morgan and Leah. Not together but individually. It was weird actually, how different they looked. How different they acted, yet they seemed pretty compatible. Two different people that would be picture perfect. Comparing both the relationships, I couldn't see why she would choose me. Of course she and I were a good match but it wasn't the same. I guess Selena was right, the heart wants what it wants.

Leah on the other hand, I couldn't help but compare her as well, we would never work. Yet, we were very similar. Not in appearance but everything else, the exact same. It was almost hard to describe it, I can't say it was the style, or the way we play. Nothing actually summed it up, but there was a knowing feeling that we were mirroring in some way. It was unlikely that she ever sat down and thought about this but if she did then, would she agree? Would she do many things? A lot of things always remained a secret with her. Not that we ever had a chance of having a good interaction. She always made sure it was one to remember, in the most negative way possible. If she was that passionate about her hatred for me then imagine her when she's in love.

The thought of Leah being in love with Morgan made my skin crawl. Another person being with the woman you loved can never feel good. If that's what happened then, I would hate myself too. Thinking about how I was when I met Morgan, if I had known that at the time then I probably would have hooked up with Leah. Thank the universe for character development.

Today's talk with Morgan didn't really help, for all I know she could be telling the truth. Did I doubt it? Yes, definitely. Is it still possible? That was also a yes. That's what scared me. Right now, I was 90% sure of what happened. Everything added up perfectly, but considering that I still didn't have all the pieces of the puzzle, the whole game could easily be flipped. To know if that 10% fits into the picture then I'd have to talk to Leah. That was somewhat nerve wracking.

She and I have never had a civil conversation, more or less. It was also very clear that the reason she didn't like me was because of Morgan. So mixing those situations into one was a recipe for disaster. Was it though? I really didn't know, thinking about it, I didn't know Leah. I didn't know what to expect. Her brain seemed so complex that I would never try to understand how she thinks. It would help me a lot here and then though, that's for sure.

I knew for sure it couldn't be at training, or around anyone at all. The thought of opening my home to her was displeasing. The home I shared with a girl that now seemed like the most devious person alive. Would she agree? Would she feel comfortable? She's been before, where she laughed at the state of my home, but to talk about almost three years of hatred. Slowly, the nervousness turned into curiosity. This situation had brought out a fearless part of me. Which could easily get me going off the deep end. That's what makes it fun I guess. It was settled, I'd invite her here to talk about everything. If she said yes then, I'd finally get some truth about the whole thing. If she refused then I'd have to call in backup.



So this is short but it's like a little monologue. I thought it would be good to put it by itself. Also, what is this girl thinking?! 

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