Chapter 3

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Emerging from the murky haze, Shigaraki led the way, crawling through the dissipating fog and transitioning from the grimy confines of the back alley to the sprawling expanse of the USJ training facility. Shadowy figures soon materialized behind him, with Shockwave in close pursuit. He narrowed his eyes, acclimating to the abrupt shift from dimness to the glare of the glass-paneled ceiling that bathed the area in bright light. Kurogiri's portal expanded, granting passage to the horde of criminals who surged forward, their eager momentum carrying them closer to their targets. At the top of the stairs, a group of alarmed students shouted in distress, their voices punctuating the mounting tension.

As the smog cleared, Kurogiri's form reconstituted itself above the stairs, effectively cutting off any avenue of retreat for the trapped students and teachers. Shigaraki's command hissed through the air, urging Shockwave to remain by his side while allowing the chaotic mob of villains to lure their adversaries closer. The cage fighter couldn't help but roll his eyes at the directive. Did Shigaraki truly believe he lacked the foresight to assess an opponent? It was clear to Shockwave that rashly charging in would be a grave mistake. This conviction only solidified as one of the teachers sprang into action, hurtling down the stairs with determined resolve.

Shockwave's eyes remained fixed on the unfolding scene, his scrutiny honing in on the successive failures of the thugs' quirks, leading to their swift capture by the hero teacher. A vexed expression creased his face as he muttered under his breath, "Useless." However, beneath his facade of dismissiveness, a cautious wariness took root within him. He had never confronted an opponent with an intangible quirk like Eraserhead's, and the realization stirred a sense of unease within him.

Meanwhile, Shigaraki maintained his nonchalant posture, casually scratching the side of his neck as he observed the confrontation unfold. His careless demeanor belied the intensity of his focus as he muttered something quietly, the words escaping his lips resembling a stream of numbers.

As Eraserhead drew nearer, Shockwave begrudgingly positioned himself in front of the League's ringleader, a heavy sensation settling in the pit of his stomach. Bracing himself for the imminent clash, he held his ground while Shigaraki's muttered words persisted, their significance still eluding him.

Just seconds before Eraserhead closed in, Shockwave swiftly snapped his fingers, unleashing a dazzling display of violet light that rent through the air. The radiant burst propelled the hero backward, causing him to be flung like a mere puppet in the hands of fate. Shockwave silently expressed his gratitude to the fortunate timing of Eraserhead's blink, even though the agile hero managed to land on his feet.

As Shigaraki erupted into a maniacal laughter, Shockwave pivoted around to witness the long-awaited arrival of the towering abomination that had been tantalizingly hinted at earlier. Emerging from the dissipating smog conjured by Kurogiri, the formidable nomu materialized before them. Before the Pro Hero could muster a response, the hulking creature seized Eraserhead, its relentless grip crushing him mercilessly into the earth. The sickening sound of bone cracking reached Shockwave's ears, causing his eyebrows to arch in a mixture of surprise and grudging admiration.

In that moment, a flicker of curiosity ignited within him—how was such a creature created, and where had Shigaraki obtained it? The memory of shadowy figures peering from behind the glass of a concealed box flashed through his mind, intensifying his intrigue and adding another layer of mystery to the unfolding chaos.

Shigaraki, his wild mane of unkempt hair falling haphazardly, threw his head back in raucous laughter. "Impressive, Eraserhead! Your quirk may be cool, but in the face of power like this, it's as good as being quirkless. Yet you're!" Shockwave observed as Eraserhead managed to muster a slight movement, causing the nomu to startle momentarily and forcefully slam the hero's head into the unforgiving ground with a resounding thud.

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin