Chapter 18

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Dabi was awakened by a deafening sound that threatened to rupture his eardrum. He quickly sat up in alarm, momentarily forgetting the man lying next to him, and was on the defense of a rather plump hen standing on his chest.


Shockwave began to stir from his dream, heatedly grumbling as he pried open his eyes against the morning rays of the sun.

Dabi froze, extinguishing the flames on his fingertips. Teapot, who was only inches away from his raised hand, let out another shriek.

"I think I prefer you just storming off when you get mad."Dabi muttered as he picked up a bucket of chicken feed and began filling the bird's container. The sun was rising steadily towards its peak in the cloudless sky, but the autumn air held a sharpness that kept the heat at bay. Outside the city, it was hard to ignore the special crispness in the air.

Shockwave glowered from where he was washing out the chicken's waterer with a hose. All six of the hens were wandering about, with most of them following closely behind the former gladiator. A few, however, decided that Dabi was the most fascinating thing around. He had spent the entire morning helping with the yard work, which included taking care of the feathered demons, as punishment for his crimes. He had insisted that he wasn't going to burn Teapot, only scare her away, but that defense hadn't earned him any points.

When one of the hens made a lunge for him, Dabi dropped the food bucket into their feeder as he dodged the attack with a curse. Shockwave laughed at his misfortune, shutting off the hose, he brightened considerably as he pointed towards the pyro. "They're attracted by your piercings."

"Excuse me?"

The cage-fighter tapped the side of his own cheek where Dabi's staples were placed. "They're metal, and shiny. Birds love that shit."

He stared back at the chickens skeptically; he didn't know how to make them stop lunging at him without cooking them. Dabi wasn't certain that Shockwave placed his life above the poultry. "Well, can you make them stop?"

Still snickering under his breath, the other man reached into a bag next to him and withdrew a handful of dried worms, scattering them into the large stretch of yard. The birds dispersed with several squawks; feathers flying up in a fluror. Shockwave tipped his head back with a cackle at the sight of Dabi's incredulous face.

The moment was broken by the frantic ringing of Shockwave's phone. Dropping the hose, he picked it out of his pockets with a frown, but his expression brightened when he read the contact. Dabi didn't get a chance to ask who it was before he answered it, speaking in a smooth voice.

"Hello, Rin." Shockwave tilted his head as he faced away from Dabi, there was a flagrant smile in his voice as he spoke. "Long time no see... Yeah, yeah... I'm just as mad as you are, believe me..." The gladiator let out a laugh at something the stranger said, and Dabi pressed his lips flat. "Well, you've heard of the League, right?" He paused, tucking his freehand under his arm as his shoulders stiffened, surprise creeping into his tone. "Would you now... Well, I would gladly give you some more facts if you'd like...Oh, really?" Finally turning back towards the pyro, Shockwave considered Dabi for a moment as he smiled at whatever was being said to him. "I suppose I wouldn't mind... Hm, actually ten would work better for me... Lovely to hear from you, Rin." He didn't like the way he said that name, something about the purr in his voice irked him.

The gladiator hung up the phone, slipping it back in his pocket with a pleasant smile. Dabi tilted his head with a frown, "What was that?"

"That was a potential sponsor for the League." Shockwave clapped his hands, grinning. "How do you feel about being my date to the Eden club again?"

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now