Chapter 9

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"I didn't know burnt flesh smelled so bad," They had just arrived back at Shockwave's home, the pair kicking off their boots.

Dabi wasn't at all perturbed by the subject, unphased. "You get used to it pretty quick."

"I don't doubt that," Shockwave yawned loudly, a hand covering his mouth as he pulled his long sleeved gloves off. "It's way too late, I'm heading to bed. We'll try again tomorrow night. Feel free to use the shower."

He didn't wait for Dabi to respond before closing his bedroom door behind him and falling into a deep sleep, still dressed in his villain suit.

The next morning, well next late afternoon, Shockwave finally woke up. Stumbling out of his room, bleary eyed and only half dressed, he walked into the kitchen to find Dabi mashing the button on his coffee pot.

The other villain glanced when he walked, radiating frustration, "How the fuck do you work this thing?"

Shockwave stifled his yawn, gently shooing Dabi out of the way, "This handle on the back is to take out the old grounds. Here," He showed him how to pull the dirty filter basket out and replace it with fresh beans. Taking out the water reservoir and filling it from the sink. "There you go. When the button starts blinking you can start it." They watched as it made a low rumble, the water draining and coffee pouring into the pot.

When it was finished, Shockwave filled half a mug with coffee and the other half with creamer. He paused with the bottle still in his hand, looking up at Dabi. "Do you drink coffee?"

"Never had it," He answered with neutrality.

"Oh?" Shockwave struggled to not gulp down his drink, "Are you more of a tea guy or just never had the opportunity?" He didn't give him a chance to answer, already pouring a new mug with a generous helping of creamer. "Here."

Dabi took the cup with apprehension, looking down at the steam. Sniffing it for a moment, before lifting the edge to his lips and taking a delicate sip. "It's not bad."

Shockwave grinned brightly, "So you have a bit of a sweet tooth?" He got a grumble in return, but it was a step up from just a silent glare. Laughing a little, he left the pyro to his own devices in the kitchen to walk out the back door.

His massive brahma hen was the first to realize he was outside, drawing the rest of the flocks attention to him. Lord above, at least he got a two second headstart to run towards his storage shed before they decided he would be their next meal. They all clambered towards him, screaming wildly, as if he hadn't fed them in weeks.

Bored by himself in the house, Dabi stepped onto the back porch to watch the scene unfold. Shockwave sprinting away from the tiny dinosaurs without spilling a single drop from his mug, although plenty did end up outside the cup when one of the hens lunged for it. "Damn you, Briar!" He shrieked, tossing a scoop of feed out into the grass. "God, you act like I starve you- Lili, what the fuck!" One of the smaller birds had flown directly for his head, attempting to roost on his shoulder to reach her beak into his coffee.

It made Dabi snort out of amusement, and when Shockwave finally finished refilling their water, the pyro noticed the scratches left behind by the hens talons. Why hadn't he used his quirk?

The smaller man walked by up the porch steps, huffing, he set down his now empty mug on the railing. "Watch this for a moment, I've got to clean out their coop."

"Okay." Dabi watched him as he strode back to the small structure resembling a mini house. The sun was gleaming off his bare back as he roughly yanked out a drawer containing the dirty bedding of the hens. Shockwave tossed it's contents into what looked like a compost pile before returning the coop floor. Marching back to that small shed, Dabi almost spit out his coffee as he watched the man hoist a massive bag of wood chips onto his shoulder like it was nothing. Sometimes it was hard to remember this man was a seasoned fighter. A ring champion.

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now