Chapter 6

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Bakugo was one angry kid.

It was kinda spectacular witnessing the fury of a bomb contained into one person. And Shockwave immediately knew Shigaraki had fucked up picking a target.

"Hear us out, Bakugou." Still, their creepy leader was persistent. "Let me ask you why heroes are getting criticized. Is it because they're not allowed to make mistakes? Everybody makes a mistake or two doing their job! Their job... Apparently protecting people means you get fucking brownie points and deserve compensation. Tell me, when did we start weighing human lives with money?"

Shockwave had to hand it to him, it was pretty well though out. Everyone, even Toga draped languidly over the bar, was listening raptly. The company had been screwed over by heroes in some way he was guessing. It even touched a sore spot for him... No surprise.

"Shockwave," Shigaraki rasped, "Remove his bindings."

Shockwave glanced once at the shackled teenager, "You're kidding."

Strangely enough, Dabi was the one to speak up, "This guy's going to go ballistic, you know?" Yeah, Shockwave might be able to tank the blasts, but those explosions were coupled with heat, and he didn't fancy getting singed.

The masked man spread his arms wide, "It's okay. We have to treat him as an equal. We're trying to recruit him, after all. Besides..." He turned that chilling red eye towards their captive. "He should know there's no possible chance of him escaping."

Squinting at the kid apprehensively for another moment, Shockwave sighed heavily, resigning himself to his fate. He knelt to unlock the heavy box secured over the students wrists, stopping his use of explosions. Shigaraki had gotten up from his barstool, beginning to walk over. Just as Shockwave was stepping back- Boom.

The little shit had landed a clean hit on Shigaraki, fully knocking the preserved hand off his face. Several sounds of appallment rounded the room, specifically from Shockwave, who's only job was to take hits for Shigaraki. It wasn't his fault the man-child walked directly into that one, but he swore to God, if he got home and found one of his chickens gone-.

Bakugou was crouched over the ground cackling madly, "You fucking idiots!"

"Let's stab him," Toga chirped helpfully.

"He could have at least pretended to be won over," Mr. Compress shook his head disappointed.

Dabi had shifted his stance slightly, looking extremely uninterested in these events. "He's probably just an idiot."

"I've got no desire to stick around this shit-hole," The foul mouthed teen said with a wide grin.

Yet, Shigaraki hadn't paid any attention to the currently loose and possibly rabid child in their midst. Shockwave watched him anxiously as he stared down at the creepy hand displaced to the ground. He finally flung an arm out, causing everyone to freeze, even Bakugo. "Everyone stay out of this... This one is an important piece. Master..." Shockwave felt a chill wash over him as the TV static suddenly pitched to the sound of Shigaraki's rasping voice. "Lend me your strength."

Inconspicuously, Shockwave started edging away from the cluster, farther towards the exit wall. Dabi of all people happened to catch his movement and sent a displeased and questioning stare. He shook his head lightly. If that voice behind the TV was making an appearance, he did not want to be near him. Fucker gave him the biggest creeps of all.

"Kurogiri," Shigaraki muttered, "Knock him out. To be this stubborn... I'm actually kind of impressed-."

A knock sounded at the door.

And everyone turned in wild confusion to the voice that called out, "Hello? I'm here with the pizza you ordered."

Shockwave, standing closest to the door, let out a, "What the-." And the wall exploded inwards.

Shockwave | MHA | Dabi/Male OCWhere stories live. Discover now